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[英]Configuring a route in Symfony with the same URL but different HTTP methods and controller actions

I have the following routes configuration in a Symfony application: 我在Symfony应用程序中具有以下路由配置:

  url:          /label
  param:        { module: label, action: configure }
  requirements: { sf_method: get }

  url:          /label
  param:        { module: label, action: create }
  requirements: { sf_method: post }

linked to executeConfigure and executeCreate actions. 链接到executeConfigureexecuteCreate动作。 Then I have a form configured this way: 然后,我以这种方式配置了一个表单:

<form action="<?php echo url_for('@label_create') ?>" method="POST">
  <?php echo $form->renderHiddenFields() ?>
  <input type="hidden" name="sf_method" value="post" />
  <!-- more stuff here -->

Whenever the form is submitted executeConfigure is executed, although as far as I know the route configured with POST method should avoid that and executes executeCreate . 每当提交表单时,都会执行executeConfigure ,尽管据我所知,使用POST方法配置的路由应避免这种情况并执行executeCreate

How can I differentiate between these two actions keeping the same URL? 如何区分保持相同URL的这两个操作?

Thanks! 谢谢!

I had this issue as well and found the answer in an old forum message (http://oldforum.symfony-project.org/index.php/t/25750/). 我也遇到了这个问题,并在旧的论坛消息(http://oldforum.symfony-project.org/index.php/t/25750/)中找到了答案。

If it is completely ignoring the request method then it is most likely using the regular sfRoute. 如果它完全忽略了请求方法,则很可能使用常规的sfRoute。 You need to use sfRequestRoute to make the routing 'method-aware'. 您需要使用sfRequestRoute使路由“知道方法”。 So, in your example you will do: 因此,在您的示例中,您将执行以下操作:

  url:          /label
  class:        sfRequestRoute
  param:        { module: label, action: configure }
  requirements: { sf_method: get }

  url:          /label
  class:        sfRequestRoute
  param:        { module: label, action: create }
  requirements: { sf_method: post }

I solved it by using this routing sheme: 我通过使用以下路由sheme解决了它:

    pattern:     /
    defaults: { _controller: "RentalAPIBundle:User:create" }
    requirements: { _method: post }

    pattern:     /    
    defaults: { _controller: "RentalAPIBundle:User:index" }    
    requirements: { _method: get }

then when calling the Url you can either call user or user/ for GET but only users/ for POST. 那么在调用Url时,您可以调用user或user /进行GET,但只能调用users /进行POST。 I can't say why but it works 我不能说为什么,但是有效

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