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[英]change style of one element without changeing the other?

sorry the question doesnt make sense but i shall explain. 抱歉,这个问题没有道理,但我会解释。 I have two hyperlinks 我有两个超链接

<a href="" class="menu-link">home</a>
<a href="" class="menu-link">blog</a>

i want to apply this style 我想应用这种风格


but only apply to <a href="" class="menu-link">home</a> how can this be done other than actually changing the class like below 但仅适用于<a href="" class="menu-link">home</a>除了实际更改如下所示的类之外,该如何做?

<a href="" class="menu-link-1">home</a>
<a href="" class="menu-link-2">blog</a>

If you're unable to modify the markup to add an additional class, you can select an element it by its href attribute, assuming it has one: 如果您无法修改标记以添加其他类,则可以通过其href属性选择一个元素,并假设它具有一个:

a.menu-link[href='home.html'] {
  color: #000;

Here's a live example. 这是一个实时示例。

You can assign multiple class to a single element. 您可以将多个类分配给单个元素。

<a href="" class="menu-link home">home</a>
<a href="" class="menu-link">blog</a>

all you need is add a space 您只需要添加一个空间


Assuming you can't / won't change the actual markup, try this (jQuery) 假设您不能/不会更改实际的标记,请尝试使用此(jQuery)

jQuery(function($) {
    var home = $("a.menu-link:contains('home')");

    // change style
    home.css("color", "#000");

    // add class

    // remove class

    // add / change attributes
    home.attr("id", "some-id");        

Maybe this solution will fit your needs. 也许此解决方案将满足您的需求。

<a href="" class="menu-link black">home</a>
<a href="" class="menu-link">blog</a>

.black {color:#000;}

Alt 1 替代项1

You could add a style attribute to that anchor: 您可以将style属性添加到该锚点:

<a href="" class="menu-link" style="color:#000;">home</a>

Alt 2 Alt 2

Or you could add an id to that anchor: 或者,您可以向该锚添加id

<a href="" class="menu-link" id="specialstyle">home</a>

, and replace .menu-link with #specialstyle in your css. ,并更换.menu-link#specialstyle在你的CSS。

Alt 3 Alt 3

Or you could give that anchor an additional class : 或者,您可以给该锚定一个额外的class

<a href="" class="menu-link menu-link-special">home</a>

, and replace .menu-link with .menu-link-special in your css. ,并更换.menu-link.menu-link-special在你的CSS。

You could add another class to menu-link-1 with the style you want: 您可以使用所需的样式向menu-link-1添加另一个类:

<style>a.home { color: #000; }</style>
<a href="" class="menu-link-1 home">home</a>
<a href="" class="menu-link-2">blog</a>

edit : obviously, if I read the question, I would have noticed that the author didn't want to change the classes.. 编辑 :显然,如果我读了这个问题,我会注意到作者不想更改类。

I am thinking that the 'home' link is the first one in these sequence so why not use 我认为“家庭”链接是这些顺序中的第一个链接,所以为什么不使用

.menu-link { color: <your_default_color>; }
.menu-link:first-child { color: #000; }

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