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[英]Accessing a cell in the GridView of a ListView

If I have a grid view within a listview and this grid view has definitions for 3 columns. 如果我在列表视图中有一个网格视图,并且此网格视图具有3列的定义。 for each cell in the grid is a textbox, if I want to access a specific "cell" in the gridview, how do I go about doing it? 对于网格中的每个单元格都是一个文本框,如果我想访问gridview中的特定“单元格”,该如何做呢? I am accessing it from the C# side. 我正在从C#端访问它。

Don't try to manipulate the cells directly; 不要试图直接操纵细胞。 although it is possible, it's difficult and counter-intuitive. 尽管有可能,但这是困难且违反直觉的。 You should manipulate the bound objects instead. 您应该改为操作绑定的对象。

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