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[英]How do I access attributes of the join model in a has_many :through association

Using the example on rails guides : 使用示例在rails guides上

class Physician < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :appointments
  has_many :patients, :through => :appointments

class Appointment < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :physician
  belongs_to :patient

class Patient < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :appointments
  has_many :physicians, :through => :appointments

Say Appointment has the attribute exam_room_id . Appointment具有属性exam_room_id I want to use ActiveRecord to obtain a result set that contains a Physician's Patients and what exam room the Patient is in. 我想使用ActiveRecord来获得一个包含Physician's Patients以及Patient所在的检查室的结果集。

I feel like I should be able to do something like this: 我觉得我应该可以做这样的事情:

Physician.first.patients.each do |patient|

This does not work because a Physician has_many :appointments (ie: not a single appointment). 这不起作用,因为Physician has_many :appointments (即:不是一个约会)。

Is there an elegant 'rails way' of accessing the attributes of Appointment together with either side of the has_many :through? 是否有一种优雅的“轨道方法”与has_many :through?任意一侧一起访问Appointment的属性has_many :through?

We can do the following because appointments table is included in the join query implicitly, 我们可以执行以下操作,因为约会表隐式包含在联接查询中,

Physician.first.patients.select("appointments.exam_room_id ")
   .each{|patient| patient.exam_root_id}

You're going to have to step through each appointment. 您将必须完成每个约会。

Physician.first.patients.each do |patient|
  patient.appointments.each {|appointment| puts appointment.exam_room_id}

This would show you every exam room a patient has ever been in (based on their appointments). 这将向您显示患者曾经去过的每个检查室(基于他们的约会)。 I don't think is exactly what you're looking for but wanted to illustrate you need to iterate over each physician or patient appointment to get the room_id. 我不认为这正是您要寻找的东西,但想说明您需要遍历每位医生或患者的约会才能获得room_id。

If you're wanting a result set of current rooms you're going to want to go through the appointments. 如果您想要一组当前房间的结果,则需要进行约会。 Physician.first.appointments.each . Physician.first.appointments.each Also, how are you distinguishing between current and past appointments? 另外,您如何区分当前约会和过去约会?

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