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要求一个字段或另一个字段,但不能为空— Image或Radio Option

[英]Require one field or the other but CANNOT be left blank — Image or Radio Option

I am looking for the following functionality: 我正在寻找以下功能:

The user is required to fill in either one of two fields to be able to submit. 要求用户填写两个字段之一才能提交。

One field is an Image Upload. 一个字段是图像上传。 The other field is a radio dropdown list. 另一个字段是单选下拉列表。 I want it set so that in order to submit the form, ONE of these options must be chosen but NOT both and BOTH cannot be blank. 我要设置它,以便提交表格,必须选择以下选项之一,但不能两者都选,并且不能都为空。

How can do I possibly do this through jquery? 我怎样才能通过jquery做到这一点? Forgive me as I am relatively new to jquery and am still learning. 原谅我,因为我对jQuery还是比较陌生的,并且仍在学习中。

I was thinking along the lines of the validate function but any way to get my desired result would be nice. 我一直在考虑validate函数的路线,但是任何获得期望结果的方法都会很好。

One good way to do this would be to give the user a choice by allowing him/her to click one of two buttons - you would then use JQuery to reveal/hide the right option based on the option they picked. 做到这一点的一种好方法是允许用户单击两个按钮之一,从而给用户一个选择-然后,您将使用JQuery根据用户选择的选项来显示/隐藏正确的选项。 This means only one option is visible at any time. 这意味着在任何时候都只有一个选项可见。 This has these advantages: 具有以下优点:

  1. The user cannot as easily fill in both options (it's less likely the user will get confused/frustrated if they do twice the work and the system rejects it). 用户不能轻易地同时填写这两个选项(如果他们做两次工作而系统拒绝它,则用户不太可能感到困惑/沮丧)。
  2. If the user doesn't have JS the browser will just display both options with a notice (see my example). 如果用户没有JS,则浏览器将仅显示两个选项并带有通知(请参见我的示例)。
  3. The Jquery is nice and simple and it won't break as easily on IE/non-mainstream browsers. jQuery非常好用和简单,在IE /非主流浏览器上不会轻易中断。

Here's how I would do it (untested but should work). 这是我的操作方法(未经测试但应该可以工作)。

# view
<button type="button" id="choose_image">Upload an image</button>
<button type="button" id="choose_radio">Choose from list</button>
<div id="noJS">
  Please only complete ONE of these two options.
<div id="image">
<div id="radio">

# Jquery
$(document).onload( function(){
$('#choose_image').click( function(){
  $('#radio').hide(); // or slideToggle() or fadeOut() etc.
$('#choose_radio').click( function(){

In general, there are a few considerations here in whatever approach you choose: 通常,在选择任何方法时都需要考虑以下几点:

  1. What is the clearest system for a user who might be new/rushing/not paying attention? 对于可能是新手/匆忙/不专心的用户,最清晰的系统是什么?
  2. What is least likely to cause frustration, especially by making a user do work that you later reject? 造成挫败的可能性最小的是什么,特别是通过使用户执行后来被您拒绝的工作来? (Solution: engineer it to naturally incur the result you want.) (解决方案:对其进行设计以自然产生所需的结果。)
  3. What is the most accessible to the most people in your target audience? 目标受众中大多数人最容易接触的是什么?

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