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[英]Maven multimodule project and SVN

I have a problem related to subversion and a maven multimodule project in eclipse. 我在Eclipse中遇到了与Subversion和Maven多模块项目有关的问题。

Right now my project structure is (ignore the errors =)): 现在我的项目结构是(忽略错误=):


Then I upload the parent directory to SVN and make a checkout in another location, thinking that the eclipse directory structure will maintain, but it didn't, and it's a pain in the back to work using folders. 然后,我将父目录上载到SVN并在另一个位置进行签出,以为eclipse目录结构将得以维护,但事实并非如此,这在使用文件夹的过程中很痛苦。

So my question is: how can I upload my project to a svn repository and keep the structure of the picture above? 所以我的问题是:如何将项目上载到svn存储库并保持上面图片的结构?

Thanks 谢谢

You can avoid this by never creating project inside the eclipse workspace. 您可以通过从不在Eclipse工作区中创建项目来避免这种情况。 Always put them somewhere else, and then check them into and out of svn. 始终将它们放在其他位置,然后将它们检入和注销svn。

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