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[英]Beeping in a vb.net console application until a press the spacebar

How can I continue processing in a vb.net console application until I press a key? 在按下键之前,如何继续在vb.net控制台应用程序中进行处理? I basically want to loop playing a beep every half second until the user presses any key. 我基本上是想每半秒循环播放一次哔声,直到用户按下任何键为止。 I have the loop and beeping down: 我有循环并发出哔哔声:

Do Until <key is pressed>

The question is, how do I implement the " <key is pressed> " condition? 问题是,如何实现“ <key is pressed> ”条件?

Look at this simple example to create a simple program for making a typewriter like stuff. 看这个简单的例子,创建一个简单的程序来制作类似东西的打字机。

int i;
char c;
while (true)
 i = Console.Read ();
 if (i == -1) break;
 c = (char) i;
 Console.WriteLine ("Echo: {0}", c);
Console.WriteLine ("Done");
return 0;

you can make a infinite loop as all beginners do when they create some little console games in C. just make a exit statement that let your program to break the flow. 您可以像所有初学者一样在C中创建一些小型控制台游戏时进行无限循环。只需制作一个exit语句,让您的程序打破流程。 simply a Escape key pressed 只需按下一个Escape键

you can follow the Tariqulazam comment link that may help you implement in .net. 您可以点击Tariqulazam注释链接,该链接可以帮助您在.net中实施。

Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop");
do {
    while (! Console.KeyAvailable) {
        // Do something
} while (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);

try to use this method Beep(int, int). 尝试使用此方法Beep(int,int)。 follow on this link. 按照此链接。

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/4fe3hdb1.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-CN/library/4fe3hdb1.aspx

The Beep method is not supported on the 64-bit editions of Windows Vista and Windows XP. Windows Vista和Windows XP的64位版本不支持Beep方法。

I know this an old question, but I just had to do this and found what I consider a much simpler way to loop until a key is pressed. 我知道这是一个老问题,但是我只需要这样做,就发现了我认为是一种更简单的循环方法,直到按下某个键为止。

While Not Console.KeyAvailable
'do stuff

It is working well under .NET 4.0 on Win 7. Once a key is pressed, the loop is exited. 在Win 7的.NET 4.0下,它运行良好。一旦按下某个键,便退出循环。

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