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[英]How to show the scrollbar on UITableView with indexes

I have a UITableView with indexes (sectionIndexTitlesForTableView) and I want to show the scrollbar when the user scrolls this table. 我有一个带有索引(sectionIndexTitlesForTableView)的UITableView,并且我想在用户滚动此表时显示滚动条。 How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

Thanks, Mikhail 谢谢,米哈伊尔

Is that [self.tableView setShowsHorizontalScrollIndicator:YES]; 那是[self.tableView setShowsHorizo​​ntalScrollIndicator:YES]; ? But the default value of showsHorizontalScrollIndicator is YES; 但是showsHorizo​​ntalScrollIndicator的默认值为YES;

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