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As3 Button动画rts样式

[英]As3 Button Animation rts style

I'm trying to create a simple button that has an animation in it after you click it. 我正在尝试创建一个简单的按钮,在单击它之后会显示动画。 Specifically a clockwise circle animates. 特别是顺时针旋转动画。 PacMan dieing is a good example of what i'm trying to do. 吃豆人死是我想要做的一个很好的例子。 Think of a pizza pie and every sec a slice gets taken out till its all gone. 想一想比萨饼,每隔一秒就会取出一片,直到全部消失。 Is there a programmatic way of achieving this in ActionScript 3 or do i have to manually animate it in photoshop? 在ActionScript 3中是否有实现此目的的编程方式,还是我必须在photoshop中手动为其设置动画?

I know how to make a button i'm just not sure how to animate it. 我知道如何制作按钮,但我不确定该如何制作动画。 If all else fails i think i'm going to grey out the button and then start a countdown from 9 down to 1 then re-enable it. 如果所有其他方法都失败了,我想我将按钮变灰,然后从9倒数到1倒数,然后重新启用它。 I'm still fairly new to As3 advice would be nice. 我对As3还是很陌生,建议还是不错的。 Thankyou 谢谢


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