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[英]C# , wsdl proxy classes , how to use it?


If you want to consume the web service use wsdl.exe to generate the proxy class and after adding that class in your project you can use the service and their methods. 如果要使用Web服务,请使用wsdl.exe生成代理类,并在您的项目中添加该类后,可以使用该服务及其方法。 And if you have a wcf service which you want to consume you will have to use svcutil.exe to generate the proxy class. 而且,如果您要使用wcf服务,则必须使用svcutil.exe生成代理类。 you need not to create the metadata(wsdl,xsd etc.) of the service. 您无需创建服务的元数据(wsdl,xsd等)。

wsdl.exe will generate a .cs file containing the proxy classes. wsdl.exe将生成一个包含代理类的.cs文件。 You need to copy and include this file to your project (Add existing file ...). 您需要将该文件复制并包括到您的项目中(添加现有文件...)。

And if you want to use a WCF client you should use svcutil.exe to generate your client proxy, not wsdl.exe . 如果要使用WCF客户端,则应使用svcutil.exe生成客户端代理,而不是wsdl.exe The Add Service Reference dialog in Visual Studio internally uses svcutil.exe. Visual Studio中的“添加服务引用”对话框在内部使用svcutil.exe。 The Add Web Reference dialog uses wsdl.exe. “添加Web参考”对话框使用wsdl.exe。

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