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[英]Passing data from one class to another in Java

I am trying to pass an output to a text area. 我试图将输出传递到文本区域。

I have Class Search which handles all the searching and display the output using System.out.println() . 我有Class Search ,它使用System.out.println()处理所有搜索并显示输出。

I have created Class GUI in order to make the console output (System.out.println()) appear in the JTextArea . 我创建了Class GUI ,以使控制台输出(System.out.println())出现在JTextArea

I am trying to pass that data into the text area using objects but I dont know why it is not working. 我试图使用对象将数据传递到文本区域,但我不知道为什么它不起作用。

Class Search has this method that calculates the output: Class Search有这个计算输出的方法:

 public static void searchIndex(String searchString) throws IOException, ParseException 

Class GUI has the text1 Class GUI具有text1

In Class GUI I have tried this: 在类GUI中我试过这个:


but it is giving me an error searchString cannot be resolved to a variable 但它给我一个错误searchString cannot be resolved to a variable

Any suggestions ? 有什么建议么 ?

Regards. 问候。

The method is not returning: 该方法未返回:

public static void searchIndex(String searchString) throws IOException, ParseException {

Need to change void to String and also return the result: 需要将void更改为String并返回结果:

public static String searchIndex(String searchString) throws IOException, ParseException {
    //do search
    return resultString; 

For the following to work: 为了以下工作:


searchString cannot be resolved to a variable searchString无法解析为变量

The above error is caused by the fact that you are trying to use the variable "searchString" without declaring it. 上述错误是由于您尝试使用变量“searchString”而未声明它而引起的。

String searchString = "Some string that is in the search index";

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