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[英]How do you do this in mysql or rails

Say you have a posts table and a tags table, and both are related by a post_tags table. 假设您有一个posts表和一个tag表,并且两者都由post_tags表关联。

so 所以

posts has id/subject/body columns 帖子具有id / subject / body列

tags has id/name 标签具有ID /名称

post_tags has id/post_id/tag_id post_tags具有id / post_id / tag_id

in rails terminology, I have a Post Model that has many Tags through AssetTags. 用rails术语来说,我有一个Post模型,该模型通过AssetTags包含许多标签。

I'm trying to query for a post that has 2 specific tags. 我正在尝试查询具有2个特定标签的帖子。 so if there is a rails tag and a mysql tag, I want a query that returns a post that only has those two tags. 因此,如果有一个rails标记和一个mysql标记,我想要一个查询,该查询返回仅包含这两个标记的帖子。

make sense? 说得通?

Any way to do this with activerecord (I'm using search logic) or mysql? 有什么办法用activerecord(我正在使用搜索逻辑)或mysql做到这一点?

This SQL returns the posts that contain both tags. 此SQL返回包含两个标签的帖子。

  posts p
  ,asset_tags atg1
  ,asset_tags atg2
  ,tags t1
  ,tags t2
  p.id = atg1.post_id
and t1.id = atg1.tag_id
and t1.tag = 'MySQL' 
and p.id = atg2.post_id
and t2.id = atg2.tag_id
and t2.tag = 'Rails'

As for doing it via Active record, an alternative would be to query for each of the tags and then & the resulting arrays to get the intersection of the two. 至于通过Active Record进行操作,另一种方法是先查询每个标签,然后再查询结果数组以获取两者的交集。

For mysql, sure, you can get the data 对于mysql,当然可以获取数据

   FROM posts p 
   JOIN post_tags pt
     ON p.post_id = pt.post_id
  WHERE pt.tag_id in (tagId1, tagId2)

I have not used Rails ActiveRecord but I imagine it would be something along the lines of 我没有使用过Rails ActiveRecord,但我想这可能与

 where_in('tag_id', array(tagId1, tagId2);

Given these models: 鉴于这些模型:

def Post
  has_many :asset_tags
  has_many :tags, :through => :asset_tags

def AssetTag
  has_one :post
  has_one :tag

def Tag
  has_many :asset_tags
  has_many :posts, :through => :asset_tags

You can do this: 你可以这样做:

Post.joins(:asset_tags => :tag).where(
  "tags.name in ('?', '?')", 'foo', 'bar' )

Now, this actually doesn't do anything with the has_many :through association -- I'm not sure if there's an even slicker api provided that utilizes that. 现在,这实际上对has_many :through关联没有任何作用-我不确定是否提供了什锦的api来利用它。

John Bachir's answer can be modified to... 约翰·巴希尔(John Bachir)的答案可以修改为...

Post.joins(:asset_tags => :tag)
    .where("tags.name in ('?')", 'foo')
    .where("tags.name in ('?')", 'bar')

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