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[英]Django template how to look up a dictionary value with a variable

mydict = {"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"}

The regular way to lookup a dictionary value in a Django template is {{ mydict.key1 }} , {{ mydict.key2 }} .在 Django 模板中查找字典值的常规方法是{{ mydict.key1 }} , {{ mydict.key2 }} What if the key is a loop variable?如果键是循环变量怎么办? ie: IE:

{% for item in list %} # where item has an attribute NAME
  {{ mydict.item.NAME }} # I want to look up mydict[item.NAME]
{% endfor %}

mydict.item.NAME fails. mydict.item.NAME失败。 How to fix this?如何解决这个问题?

Write a custom template filter :编写自定义模板过滤器

from django.template.defaulttags import register
def get_item(dictionary, key):
    return dictionary.get(key)

(I use .get so that if the key is absent, it returns none. If you do dictionary[key] it will raise a KeyError then.) (我使用.get以便如果键不存在,它不返回任何。如果你做dictionary[key]它将引发一个KeyError然后。)


{{ mydict|get_item:item.NAME }}

Fetch both the key and the value from the dictionary in the loop:从循环中的字典中获取键和值:

{% for key, value in mydict.items %}
    {{ value }}
{% endfor %}

I find this easier to read and it avoids the need for special coding.我发现这更容易阅读,并且避免了对特殊编码的需要。 I usually need the key and the value inside the loop anyway.无论如何,我通常需要循环内的键和值。

You can't by default.你不能默认。 The dot is the separator / trigger for attribute lookup / key lookup / slice.点是属性查找/键查找/切片的分隔符/触发器。

Dots have a special meaning in template rendering.点在模板渲染中具有特殊意义。 A dot in a variable name signifies a lookup.变量名中的点表示查找。 Specifically, when the template system encounters a dot in a variable name, it tries the following lookups, in this order:具体来说,当模板系统遇到变量名中的点时,它会按以下顺序尝试以下查找:

  • Dictionary lookup.字典查找。 Example: foo["bar"]示例:foo["bar"]
  • Attribute lookup.属性查找。 Example: foo.bar示例:foo.bar
  • List-index lookup.列表索引查找。 Example: foo[bar]示例:foo[bar]

But you can make a filter which lets you pass in an argument:但是您可以制作一个过滤器,让您传入一个参数:

https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/custom-template-tags/#writing-custom-template-filters https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/custom-template-tags/#writing-custom-template-filters

def lookup(value, arg):
    return value[arg]

{{ mydict|lookup:item.name }}

For me creating a python file named template_filters.py in my App with below content did the job对我来说,在我的应用程序中创建一个名为template_filters.py的 python 文件,内容如下

# coding=utf-8
from django.template.base import Library

register = Library()

def get_item(dictionary, key):
    return dictionary.get(key)

usage is like what culebrón said :用法就像 culebrón 所说的:

{{ mydict|get_item:item.NAME }}

I had a similar situation.我也有类似的情况。 However I used a different solution.但是我使用了不同的解决方案。

In my model I create a property that does the dictionary lookup.在我的模型中,我创建了一个执行字典查找的属性。 In the template I then use the property.在模板中,我然后使用该属性。

In my model: -在我的模型中:-

def state_(self):
    """ Return the text of the state rather than an integer """
    return self.STATE[self.state]

In my template: -在我的模板中:-

The state is: {{ item.state_ }}

Since I can't comment, let me do this in the form of an answer:由于我无法发表评论,让我以答案的形式进行:
to build on culebrón's answer or Yuji 'Tomita' Tomita's answer , the dictionary passed into the function is in the form of a string, so perhaps use ast.literal_eval to convert the string to a dictionary first, like in this example .为了建立在culebrón 的答案Yuji 'Tomita' Tomita 的答案的基础上,传递给函数的字典是字符串的形式,所以也许首先使用ast.literal_eval将字符串转换为字典,就像在这个例子中一样

With this edit, the code should look like this:通过此编辑,代码应如下所示:

# code for custom template tag
def lookup(value, arg):
    value_dict = ast.literal_eval(value)
    return value_dict.get(arg)

<!--template tag (in the template)-->
{{ mydict|lookup:item.name }}

Environment: Django 2.2环境:Django 2.2

  1. Example code:示例代码:

    from django.template.defaulttags import register

    def lookup(value, arg):
        return value.get(arg)

I put this code in a file named template_filters.py in my project folder named portfoliomgr我将此代码放在名为portfoliomgr的项目文件夹中名为template_filters.py的文件中

  1. No matter where you put your filter code, make sure you have __init__.py in that folder无论您将过滤器代码放在哪里,请确保该文件夹中有__init__.py

  2. Add that file to libraries section in templates section in your projectfolder/settings.py file.将该文件添加到 projectfolder/settings.py 文件中模板部分的库部分。 For me, it is portfoliomgr/settings.py对我来说,它是portfoliomgr/settings.py

            'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
            'DIRS': [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')],
            'APP_DIRS': True,
            'OPTIONS': {
                'context_processors': [
                    'template_filters': 'portfoliomgr.template_filters',

  1. In your html code load the library在您的 html 代码中加载库

    {% load template_filters %}

env: django 2.1.7环境:django 2.1.7


dict_objs[query_obj.id] = {'obj': query_obj, 'tag': str_tag}
return render(request, 'obj.html', {'dict_objs': dict_objs})


{% for obj_id,dict_obj in dict_objs.items %}
<td>{{ dict_obj.obj.obj_name }}</td>
<td style="display:none">{{ obj_id }}</td>
<td>{{ forloop.counter }}</td>
<td>{{ dict_obj.obj.update_timestamp|date:"Y-m-d H:i:s"}}</td>

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