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[英]How to best compare two NSString objects while ignoring case?

I want to compare two strings. 我想比较两个字符串。 It fails when the string have capital letter. 当字符串有大写字母时它会失败。 How do I convert both string to capitalize and compare. 如何将两个字符串转换为大写和比较。

I have a sample code, can someone correct this. 我有一个示例代码,有人可以纠正这个。

if ([[txtAnswer.text capitalizedString] isEqualToString:[answer capitalizedString]]) {
     // Do somehing

如果查看NSString类引用,您将在标题识别和比较字符串下看到方法caseInsensitiveCompare:localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare: .

You might try something like: 您可以尝试以下方法:

if ([txtAnswer.text caseInsensitiveCompare: answer] == NSOrderedSame) {
 // do something.

You can do a case insensitive string compare. 您可以进行不区分大小写的字符串比较。

if([txtAnswer.text compare:answer options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch] == NSOrderedSame)
    // Do somehing

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