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[英]Im only getting one set of result when trying to use mysql_fetch_array()

function GetVideoInfo( $video_id, $user_id ) 
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `mytable` 
                                video_id = '$video_id' 
                                user_id = '$user_id'") 
                                or die( mysql_error() );

        return mysql_fetch_array( $result );

$videoRecepients = $viddler_custom->GetVideoRecepients( $video_details['id'] );

echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>"

When I try using print_r, it only results a single row in the table. 当我尝试使用print_r时,它只会在表中产生一行。 My expected result should have 2 results. 我的预期结果应该有2个结果。 I am 100% sure that my query is correct, so that is not the problem. 我100%确定我的查询是正确的,所以这不是问题。 I'm thinking that maybe it's on my mysql_fetch_array that is wrong. 我在想,也许是因为我的mysql_fetch_array错误。
Your help would be greatly appreciated and rewarded! 您的帮助将不胜感激和回报! Thanks! 谢谢! :) :)

All of the fetch functions will return a single row, you will need to loop until the result is empty like this ( snippet from php.net ). 所有的fetch函数都将返回一行,您将需要循环直到结果为空(如php.net的片段 )。

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
    printf("ID: %s  Name: %s", $row["id"], $row["name"]);

From the example on the manual page, mysql_fetch_array returns the information on the current pointer of the $result object. 手册页上的示例中, mysql_fetch_array返回有关$ result对象的当前指针的信息。 This will mean you want to loop through the result until you've fetched everything. 这意味着您要遍历结果,直到获取所有内容。

while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $set[] = $row;

You need to put the mysql_fetch_array($result) in a loop 您需要将mysql_fetch_array($ result)放入一个循环中

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
   // do something with $row

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