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[英]how do I test my ASP.NET website being hosted on shared server for lot of visitors a day?

I have property related website, going to be hosted on shared server. 我有属性相关的网站,将托管在共享服务器上。 I want to test my site for large number of visitors. 我想为大量访问者测试我的网站。

Roughly I just want to get idea about response time by going thru each page while there are lot of concorrent page views Is there any tool available that can simulate this 粗略地我只想通过每页进行响应时间的想法,同时有很多相关的页面浏览量是否有任何工具可以模拟这个

User need to login before they can do most of activities on site but Search feature is available to anyone and as usual it's going to be heavily used. 用户需要先登录才能在网站上完成大部分活动,但搜索功能对任何人都可用,并且像往常一样会被大量使用。 I just want to make sure it's as smooth as it should be. 我只是想确保它尽可能顺利。

Any suggestions are welcome. 欢迎任何建议。

thanks. 谢谢。

What you're looking for is called "Load testing". 您正在寻找的是“负载测试”。 There are web sites that provide such services, some of them provide free testing. 有些网站提供此类服务,其中一些提供免费测试。

Just Google for "free load testing" or "load testing". 只是谷歌进行“免费负载测试”或“负载测试”。 Find a service you want and it will generate required load on your web site and provide you with information you need. 找到您想要的服务,它将在您的网站上产生所需的负载,并为您提供所需的信息。

You could use wcat 6.3 tool from Microsoft. 您可以使用Microsoft的wcat 6.3工具。 There are plenty of questions regarding using it here on so in case you need help. 关于在这里使用它有很多问题,以防你需要帮助。

You can download it here: http://www.iis.net/community/default.aspx?tabid=34&g=6&i=1466 您可以在此处下载: http//www.iis.net/community/default.aspx?tabid = 34& g = 6&i = 1466

That is the x86 version, but there is also a link to the x64 version if that's what you need. 这是x86版本,但如果你需要的话,还有x64版本的链接。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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