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[英]Hide Javascript or CSS with Javascript?

I am a complete newbie when it comes to JS. 关于JS,我是一个完全的新手。 I actually paid someone to write some JS for me but I need to tweak some stuff and I don't feel like hiring another person for just a few tweaks so I come to you for help. 我实际上付钱给我为我写一些JS,但是我需要调整一些东西,而且我不希望仅仅做一些调整就雇用另一个人,所以我来找你寻求帮助。

The first issue is a wordpress plugin called Heads Up Bar. 第一个问题是一个名为Heads Up Bar的wordpress插件。 So fist thing I do is launch up the developer tools within Chrome and locate where its called on. 因此,我要做的第一件事就是启动Chrome中的开发人员工具,并找到调用它的位置。 I come across this: 我遇到了这个:

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var data = {
    action: 'ehu_show_bar',
    home: ehu_is_home_pg
jQuery.post(ajaxurl, data, function(response) {
    if(ehu_animate === 'toggle'){
      jQuery('#ehu_bar').css('display', 'none');


then I went and looked at the JS he created which looks a little like this: 然后我去看看他创建的JS,它看起来像这样:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {

So I create a new line called 所以我创建了一个新行


thinking it would be so easy. 认为这将是如此容易。 Obviously it didn't work. 显然,它没有用。 What am I missing? 我想念什么? This plugin appears on every page of the site but sometimes its limited to only the homepage. 该插件出现在网站的每个页面上,但有时仅限于主页。 What do I have to do now? 我现在该怎么办?

The next thing I need to hide is a JS from google ads. 接下来需要隐藏的是Google广告中的JS。 This appears in almost every post within wordpress but not in the homepage. 几乎出现在wordpress中的每个帖子中,但不在首页中。 I know the name of the JS, meaning I know what the file is called: 我知道JS的名称,这意味着我知道文件的名称:

show_ads.js show_ads.js

and it is located in the product_detail.php file. 它位于product_detail.php文件中。 What will it take to hide this google ad using JS? 使用JS隐藏此Google广告需要什么?

Like I said, I am a bit new to this but I learn quickly. 就像我说的那样,我对此有些陌生,但很快就会学到。 I would appreciate any help. 我将不胜感激任何帮助。 Thanks! 谢谢!

The third parameter to the jQuery.post(ajaxurl, data, ... is a method that is called when the AJAX request is finished. It will take a few milliseconds from when the page loads to do the AJAX request, so the order of what will actually happen is: jQuery.post(ajaxurl, data, ...的第三个参数是在AJAX请求完成时调用的方法。从页面加载完成AJAX请求起需要几毫秒的时间,因此顺序实际发生的情况是:

jQuery('#ehu_bar').hide(); // from jQuery(document).ready(..

Then a few milliseconds later: 然后几毫秒后:

jQuery('#ehu_bar').slideToggle('fast'); // from ajax callback
// This line effectively is like calling jQuery('#ehu_bar').show() but with an animation

Comment out the slideToggle line and you should be OK. 注释掉slideToggle行,您应该就可以了。

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