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如何在C ++中为枚举指定无符号整数?

[英]How can I assign an unsigned integer to an enum in C++?

In a C++ library whose internals I'm rewriting I have some unsigned integer variables that I want to convert to enums: 在我正在重写的内部的C ++库中,我有一些无符号整数变量,我想将其转换为枚举:

enum InitType {

and I have a variable of this type: 我有一个这种类型的变量:

InitType InitVar;

The library is called from another section that of the code whose variables are plain integers: 该库是从其变量为普通整数的代码的另一部分调用的:

uint32_t UnsignedIntVar;

I want to assign the unsigned version that was passed from the caller to the libraries internal enum: 我想将从调用者传递的无符号版本分配给库内部枚举:

InitVar = UnsignedIntVar;

But the compiler doesn't like this: 但编译器不喜欢这样:

error: invalid conversion from 'uint32_t' to 'InitType'

What is the cleanest way to perform this conversion? 执行此转换的最简洁方法是什么?

Here are some ideas that I had: 以下是我的一些想法:

If the enum has only two values, I can do it like this: 如果enum只有两个值,我可以这样做:

    InitVar = UnsignedIntVar ? Init : NonInit;

This is a lot of writing anytime I want to make such an assignment. 这是我想做这样一个任务的时候写的很多东西。

If it has more values, I can create a translation table: 如果它有更多值,我可以创建一个转换表:

InitType Uint2InitTypeConv = {INIT_0, INIT_1, INIT_2...};

Where INIT_x are just the names of the enums. 其中INIT_x只是枚举的名称。 Then I can translate using the table: 然后我可以使用表格进行翻译:

InitVar = Uint2InitTypeConv[UnsignedIntVar];

This seems pretty clean. 这看起来很干净。 However, I figure I should be able to overload operator= for this, but I can't seem to be get that right. 但是,我认为我应该能够为此重载operator= ,但我似乎无法做到这一点。 That would easily encapsulate any other ugliness I can come up with. 这很容易包含我能提出的任何其他丑陋。

You can convert to enums explicitly : 您可以显式转换为枚举:

InitType i = InitType(UnsignedIntvar);

If the integer doesn't have a value that corresponds to a known enum value, that is your problem. 如果整数没有与已知枚举值对应的值,那么这就是您的问题。

A typical case where this is perfectly acceptable is a looping over enums: 这是完全可以接受的典型情况是循环枚举:

enum ESomething { Default = 0, Something, SomeOtherThing };
for (int i = 0; i != 3; ++i)
  ESomething e = ESomething(i);
  // do something with "e"
InitVar = UnsignedIntVar ? Init : NonInit;

This is a lot of writing anytime I want to make such an assignment. 这是我想做这样一个任务的时候写的很多东西。

Yes, but since the meaning of a uint32_t differs from that of your enum , I would do it anyway. 是的,但由于uint32_t含义与你的enum含义不同,我还是会这样做。 As they say in the Python community, "explicit is better than implicit". 正如他们在Python社区中所说的那样,“显性优于隐性”。 I wouldn't do a cast, and the table approach suffers from the drawback that you'd have to enumerate all uint32_t values to get full coverage, which would be practically impossible. 我不会进行演员表,并且表格方法的缺点是您必须枚举所有uint32_t值以获得完全覆盖,这实际上是不可能的。

Why not introduce a function with an appropriate name to do the conversion? 为什么不引入具有适当名称的函数来进行转换? Something like InitType init_type(uint32_t) , implemented as a switch ? InitType init_type(uint32_t)这样的东西,实现为一个switch

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