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[英]Like Case Sensitive in MySQL

I have a MySQL query: 我有一个MySQL查询:

SELECT concat_ws(title,description) as concatenated HAVING concatenated LIKE '%SearchTerm%';

And my table is encoded utf8_general_ci with MyISAM. 我的表格用myISAM编码为utf8_general_ci。

Searches seem to be case sensitive. 搜索似乎区分大小写。

I can't figure out how to fix it. 我无法弄清楚如何解决它。 What's going wrong and/or how do I fix it? 出了什么问题和/或我该如何解决?

A much better solution in terms of performance: 在性能方面更好的解决方案:

SELECT .... FROM .... WHERE `concatenated` LIKE BINARY '%SearchTerm%';

String comparision is case-sensitive when any of the operands is a binary string. 当任何操作数是二进制字符串时,字符串比较区分大小写。

Another alternative is to use COLLATE , 另一种选择是使用COLLATE

FROM ....
WHERE `concatenated` like '%SearchTerm%' COLLATE utf8_bin;

Try this: 尝试这个:

SELECT LOWER(CONCAT_WS(title,description)) AS concatenated 
WHERE concatenated LIKE '%searchterm%'

or (to let you see the difference) 或(让你看到差异)

SELECT LOWER(CONCAT_WS(title,description)) AS concatenated 
WHERE concatenated LIKE LOWER('%SearchTerm%')

In this method, you do not have to select the searched field: 在此方法中,您不必选择搜索的字段:

SELECT table.id 
FROM table
WHERE LOWER(table.aTextField) LIKE LOWER('%SearchAnything%')

Check CHARSET mentioned in the table schema: 检查表模式中提到的CHARSET:

show create table xyz;

Based on CHARSET, you can try the following. 基于CHARSET,您可以尝试以下方法。

select name from xyz where name like '%Man%' COLLATE latin1_bin;
select name from xyz where name like '%Man%' COLLATE utf8_bin;

Following are the cases which worked for me, CHARSET=latin1, MySQL version = 5.6. 以下是适用于我的案例,CHARSET = latin1,MySQL版本= 5.6。

mysql> select installsrc from appuser where installsrc IS NOT NULL and installsrc like 'Promo%' collate latin1_bin limit 1;
| installsrc            |
| PromoBalance_SMS,null |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> select installsrc from appuser where installsrc IS NOT NULL and installsrc like 'PROMO%' collate latin1_bin limit 1;
| installsrc                |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select installsrc from appuser where installsrc IS NOT NULL and installsrc like 'PROMO%' limit 1;
| installsrc            |
| PromoBalance_SMS,null |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Just for completion, in case it helps: 只是为了完成,如果有帮助:

As stated on https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/case-sensitivity.html , for default character sets, nonbinary string comparisons are case insensitive by default. https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/case-sensitivity.html所述 ,对于默认字符集,非二进制字符串比较默认情况下不区分大小写。

Therefore, an easy way to perform case-insensitive comparisons is to cast the field to CHAR, VARCHAR or TEXT type. 因此,执行不区分大小写的比较的简单方法是将字段转换为CHAR,VARCHAR或TEXT类型。

Here is an example with a check against a single field: 以下是针对单个字段进行检查的示例:

SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE CAST(`field1` AS CHAR) LIKE '%needle%';

This is the working code: 这是工作代码:

SELECT title,description
 SELECT title,description, LOWER(CONCAT_WS(title,description)) AS concatenated
 FROM table1 
) AS Q
WHERE concatenated LIKE LOWER('%search%') 

This works also: 这也有效:

SELECT LOWER(DisplayName) as DN
FROM   Bidders
HAVING DN like "cbbautos%"
LIMIT  10;

This problem is occurring in this case because of the collation used in the table. 在这种情况下会发生此问题,因为表中使用了排序规则。 You have used utf8_general_ci as collation. 您已使用utf8_general_ci作为排序规则。 If the collation is changed to utf8_general_ci then the searches will not be case sensitive. 如果排序规则更改为utf8_general_ci则搜索不会区分大小写。 So, one possible solution is to change the collation. 因此,一种可能的解决方案是更改整理。

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