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[英]Translating a float to a negative or positive

I have a float from 0 to 100 and I want to translate that into a number from -20 to 20 an example: 我有一个从0 to 100float ,我想将其转换为一个从-20 to 20的数字,例如:

float is 100 then translated it would be -20 float100然后翻译为-20

float is 50 then translated it would be 0 float50然后翻译为0

float is 0 then translated it would be 20 float0然后翻译为20

What is the best method of doing this? 最好的方法是什么?

[I'm going to give you the approach to figuring this out, rather than just the answer, because it'll be more useful in the long-run.] [我将为您提供解决这个问题的方法,而不仅仅是答案,因为从长远来看,它会更加有用。]

You need a linear transform, of the form y = mx + c , where x is your input number, y is your output number, and m and c are constants that you need to determine ahead of time. 您需要一个线性变换,形式为y = mx + c ,其中x是您的输入数字, y是您的输出数字,并且mc是您需要提前确定的常数。

To do so, you need to solve the following simultaneous equations: 为此,您需要求解以下联立方程:

-20 = m * 100 + c
+20 = m * 0   + c

Note that I've picked two of your required transformation examples, and plugged them into the equation. 请注意,我选择了两个所需的转换示例,并将其插入等式中。 I could have picked any two. 我可以选两个。

怎么样: (50. - x) * 0.4


20 - val * 0.4
 float procent = (myval - 50)/2.5f;

如果需要整数,请使用(int) floor(procent) ...

float translate(float f)
  return 20.0f - ((20.0f * f) / 50.0f);

What you want to achieve is called "Linear interpolation" and can be done in a general function like this: 您想要实现的目标称为“线性插值”,可以通过如下通用功能完成:

float linear_interpolate(float x, float x0, float x1, float y0, float y1)
  return y0 + (x - x0)*((y1-y0)/(x1-x0));

In your case you would call it like (replace x with your in value): 在您的情况下,您可以这样称呼(用您的值替换x):

float value = linear_interpolate(x, 0.0f, 100.0f, -20.0f, 20.0f);

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_interpolation for a reference article. 有关参考文章,请参见http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_interpolation

((x / 2.5)- 20) * -1


You need to calculate the slope. 您需要计算斜率。 Since you have already 3 points (0, -20) (50, 0) (100, 20), you can do dx = 40/100 = 2/5 (change in y / change in x) and b = -20. 由于您已经有3个点(0,-20)(50,0)(100,20),因此可以执行dx = 40/100 = 2/5(y的变化/ x的变化)和b = -20。 Then you define a function (f(x) = mx + b) f(x) = (2/5)*x - 20, 0 <= x <= 100. 然后定义一个函数(f(x)= mx + b)f(x)=(2/5)* x-20,0 <= x <= 100。

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