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[英]How do I load a video into a HTML5 page with javascript using onclick

I want to call a function onclick (which I know works) then load it into the page: 我想调用一个函数onclick(我知道有效)然后将其加载到页面中:

I'm trying to create a video element in HTML5 including some attributes for it. 我正在尝试在HTML5中创建一个包含一些属性的视频元素。

I know it works because I tested it with the following alert: 我知道它有效,因为我使用以下警告测试它:

alert("createSmallVideo has been called");

I've commented the alert now and I know the function is being called but why isn't the video being displayed on the web page: 我现在评论了警报,我知道正在调用该函数,但为什么网页上没有显示视频:

function createSmallVideo(){
    //alert("createSmallVideo has been called");

    var video = document.createElement("video");

    video.setAttribute("id", "VideoElement");
    video.setAttribute("src", "videos/small.ogv");
    video.setAttribute("controls", "controls");
    video.setAttribute("preload", "auto");

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么? Please help! 请帮忙!

Because there is no element on your page with an id of #VideoContainer (or if there is there shouldn't be). 因为您的页面上没有ID为#VideoContainer (或者如果不存在的话)。 An element Id cannot contain a # . 元素Id不能包含# If you open your JavaScript console you'll probably find a null reference error message. 如果您打开JavaScript控制台,您可能会发现一条空引用错误消息。 Try removing the # from your call to document.getElementById() . 尝试从您对document.getElementById()调用中删除#

you can preload it with javascript too 你也可以用javascript预加载它

function loadVideo(videoUrl){
var video;
try {
    video = new Video();
} catch(e) {
    video = document.createElement('video');
video.src = videoUrl;
bindOnce(video, 'canplaythrough', function() {alert("Loaded");});
video.onerror = function(e){alert("Error");};

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