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[英]createchildcontrol() - user control, custom control, web control

I am new to .Net trying to understand about different controls here. 我刚接触.Net,试图在这里了解不同的控件。 I know, custom control, an extension of existing control. 我知道,自定义控件是现有控件的扩展。 User control, a complicated control constructed in .ascx file and can be used anywhere in the application. 用户控件,一个用.ascx文件构造的复杂控件,可以在应用程序中的任何位置使用。 I couldn't the concept of createchildcontrol() and need of it. 我无法找到createchildcontrol()的概念以及是否需要它。 thanks ! 谢谢 !

It plays the role in the lifecycle of a page request to ensure all controls generated dynamically/via code are in place for binding postback values and rendering out to the page. 它在页面请求的生命周期中扮演着重要的角色,以确保动态/通过代码生成的所有控件均已就位,用于绑定回发值并将其呈现到页面上。 Also note from the MSDN page : 还请注意从MSDN页面

When you develop a composite or templated server control, you must override this method. 开发复合服务器或模板服务器控件时,必须重写此方法。

You can check this page for the full list of events, in order, on an ASPX request. 您可以依次检查此页面上有关ASPX请求的事件的完整列表。

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