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[英]Use &middot; instead of bullet for <ul>

I found an article on the list-style-type property in CSS, but it doesn't list the &middot; 我在CSS中找到了关于list-style-type属性的文章,但它没有列出&middot; (·) as an option, as opposed to the default disc or &bullet; (·)作为选项,而不是默认disc或&bullet; (•). (•)。 Is there a way to do this with HTML or CSS? 有没有办法用HTML或CSS做到这一点?

CSS (works in any browser supporting :before and content: ): CSS(适用于任何支持:beforecontent: :)的浏览器:

li:before { 
    content: '\b7\a0'; /* \b7 is a middot, \a0 is a space */
li {
    text-indent:-.5em; /* helps make it look more like it's a bullet. */

Caution: It is not a real list style. 警告:这不是真正的列表样式。 Therefore, when you have wrapped lists, it will look funny. 因此,当你有包装列表时,它看起来很有趣。 This can perhaps be mitigated by a negative text-indent of a few units to get it to function more like a list-style. 这可能可以通过几个单位的负文本缩进来减轻,以使其更像列表样式。

Another implementation: 另一个实现:

li:before {
    content: '\b7\a0';
li {

This version seems to work better. 这个版本似乎更好。 I often use :before and :after to add extra things like borders, but if you are adding a bullet I imagine that that is not the case. 我经常使用:before:after添加额外的东西,比如边框,但如果你要添加一个子弹,我想是不是这样的。 Even though this is the alternate suggestion, it is probably the preferred one. 虽然这是备用建议,但它可能是首选建议。

Yes! 是! You can use the before pseudo-class to insert the character before each item. 您可以使用before伪类在每个项目之前插入字符。

.DotList li:before
    content: "·";

Here is an example jsFiddle. 是jsFiddle的一个例子。

list-style-type doesn't select what character to use, it selects an abstract marker to use. list-style-type不选择要使用的字符,它选择要使用的抽象标记。 Note the standard states: 注意标准状态:

The value 'none' specifies no marker, otherwise there are three types of marker: glyphs, numbering systems, and alphabetic systems. 值“none”不指定标记,否则标记有三种类型:字形,编号系统和字母系统。

Glyphs are specified with disc, circle, and square. 字形用圆盘,圆形和方形指定。 Their exact rendering depends on the user agent. 它们的精确渲染取决于用户代理。

For more control over the marker, you must either set an image using list-style-image or use the :before pseudo element and content property, setting the list-style-type to 'none'. 要更好地控制标记,您必须使用list-style-image设置list-style-image或使用:before伪元素和content属性,将list-style-type为'none'。 :before and the content property aren't supported in IE 7 and earlier, so you must either use list-style-image to support IE 7 or simply let IE 7 use a different marker. :before和IE 7及更早版本中不支持content属性 ,因此您必须使用list-style-image来支持IE 7,或者只是让IE 7使用不同的标记。 You can use conditional comments to target IE 7 and earlier. 您可以使用条件注释来定位IE 7及更早版本。

You can use an background-image in LI 您可以在LI中使用背景图像

One possible example 一个可能的例子
http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listamatic/vertical05.htm http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listamatic/vertical05.htm

There are a limited number of available options for list-style-type which are defined in the CSS2 spec . list-style-type的可用选项数量有限,这些选项在CSS2规范中定义。

You can use: 您可以使用:

  • disc 圆盘
  • circle
  • square 广场
  • decimal 十进制
  • decimal-leading-zero 小数领先的零
  • lower-roman 低罗马
  • upper-roman 上罗马
  • lower-greek 降低希腊
  • lower-latin 较低的拉丁
  • upper-latin 上拉丁
  • armenian 亚美尼亚
  • georgian 格鲁吉亚
  • lower-alpha 下-α
  • upper-alpha 上-α
  • none 没有

If you'd like something custom, use the list-style-image property 如果您想要自定义内容,请使用list-style-image属性

If you're styling for browsers that support generated content, you can use: 如果您为支持生成内容的浏览器设计样式,则可以使用:

li:before {
  content: '\[utf-8 hex code for character]';
  position: absolute;
  right: 100%;

li {
  position: relative;

Instead of li:before , which affects all li's (in menu, tabs, accordion) on page, I have used this: 而不是li:before ,它影响了页面上的所有li(在菜单,标签,手风琴中),我使用了这个:

 <ul> <li>This is my middot</li> </ul> 

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