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[英]How to find & remove memory leaks and errors in my C program after checked it with Valgrind

After checked my code with Valgrind, it shows a lot of error messages and information and I am not sure about how to find and remove the errors in code? 用Valgrind检查我的代码后,它显示了很多错误消息和信息,我不确定如何查找和删除代码中的错误?

My source code is as follows. 我的源代码如下。

myheader.h myheader.h

 #define MAX 15
 typedef enum

 typedef struct
  int population;
  int area;

 typedef struct
  char *type_place;
  char *near_airport;

 typedef struct
  char *name;
  char *country;
  area_type_t area_t;
      metropolitan_t metro;
      tourist_t   tourist;

 extern void get_input(place_t);

getinput.c getinput.c

void get_input(place_t place)
 int check=1;
 int num,i,ch;
 printf("\nEnter the no of records : \n");
  printf("\nMemory allocation failed\n");
  printf("\nEnter the place name : ");
  place->name=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX);
   printf("\nMemory allocation failed\n");
  printf("\nEnter the coutry name : ");
  place->country=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX);
   printf("Memory allocation failed\n");
   printf("\nPlease Enter '0' if the place is Metropolitan, '1' if the place Tourist place\n");
    case 0:
    case 1:
     printf("\nPlease enter valid choice \n");
    printf("\nEnter the population of the place : ");
    printf("\nEnter the area of place :"); 
  } else
   printf("\nEnter the nearest airport name : ");
   place->u.tourist.near_airport=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX);
    printf("Memory allocation failed\n");
   printf("\nEnter the type of tourist spot : ");
   place->u.tourist.type_place=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX);

    printf("Memory allocation failed\n");

main.c main.c中

int main()
 place_t place;
 return 0;

Command-line transcript 命令行脚本

 bash-3.00$ valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=yes --show-reachable=yes a.out
 ==13514== Memcheck, a memory error detector.
 ==13514== Copyright (C) 2002-2005, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
 ==13514== Using LibVEX rev 1575, a library for dynamic binary translation.
 ==13514== Copyright (C) 2004-2005, and GNU GPL'd, by OpenWorks LLP.
 ==13514== Using valgrind-3.1.1, a dynamic binary instrumentation framework.
 ==13514== Copyright (C) 2000-2005, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
 ==13514== For more details, rerun with: -v

 Enter the no of records :

 Enter the place name : Banglore

 Enter the coutry name : India

 Please Enter '0' if the place is Metropolitan, '1' if the place Tourist place
 ==13514== Invalid write of size 4
 ==13514==    at 0x400789: get_input (getinput.c:43)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514==  Address 0x4A2D040 is 0 bytes after a block of size 16 alloc'd
 ==13514==    at 0x4904A06: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:149)
 ==13514==    by 0x400637: get_input (getinput.c:8)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514== Invalid read of size 4
 ==13514==    at 0x4007BB: get_input (getinput.c:53)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514==  Address 0x4A2D040 is 0 bytes after a block of size 16 alloc'd
 ==13514==    at 0x4904A06: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:149)
 ==13514==    by 0x400637: get_input (getinput.c:8)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)

 Enter the population of the place : 303030

 Enter the area of place :2500
 ==13514== Invalid write of size 8
 ==13514==    at 0x40068C: get_input (getinput.c:17)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514==  Address 0x4A2D058 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
 ==13514== Invalid read of size 8
 ==13514==    at 0x400693: get_input (getinput.c:18)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514==  Address 0x4A2D058 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
 ==13514== Invalid read of size 8
 ==13514==    at 0x4006BF: get_input (getinput.c:24)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514==  Address 0x4A2D058 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd

 Enter the place name : London

 ==13514== Invalid write of size 8
 ==13514==    at 0x4006EE: get_input (getinput.c:26)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514==  Address 0x4A2D060 is 16 bytes before a block of size 15 alloc'd
 ==13514==    at 0x4904A06: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:149)
 ==13514==    by 0x40068B: get_input (getinput.c:17)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514== Invalid read of size 8
 ==13514==    at 0x4006F6: get_input (getinput.c:27)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514== Invalid read of size 8
 ==13514==    at 0x4006F6: get_input (getinput.c:27)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514==  Address 0x4A2D060 is 16 bytes before a block of size 15 alloc'd
 ==13514==    at 0x4904A06: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:149)
 ==13514==    by 0x40068B: get_input (getinput.c:17)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514== Invalid read of size 8
 ==13514==    at 0x40072F: get_input (getinput.c:34)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514==  Address 0x4A2D060 is 16 bytes before a block of size 15 alloc'd
 ==13514==    at 0x4904A06: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:149)
 ==13514==    by 0x40068B: get_input (getinput.c:17)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)

 Enter the coutry name : London

 Please Enter '0' if the place is Metropolitan, '1' if the place Tourist place
 ==13514== Invalid write of size 4
 ==13514==    at 0x40079D: get_input (getinput.c:47)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514==  Address 0x4A2D068 is 8 bytes before a block of size 15 alloc'd
 ==13514==    at 0x4904A06: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:149)
 ==13514==    by 0x40068B: get_input (getinput.c:17)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)

 ==13514== Invalid write of size 8
 ==13514==    at 0x40082F: get_input (getinput.c:62)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514==  Address 0x4A2D078 is 8 bytes inside a block of size 15 alloc'd
 ==13514==    at 0x4904A06: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:149)
 ==13514==    by 0x40068B: get_input (getinput.c:17)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514== Invalid read of size 8
 ==13514==    at 0x400837: get_input (getinput.c:63)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514==  Address 0x4A2D078 is 8 bytes inside a block of size 15 alloc'd
 ==13514==    at 0x4904A06: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:149)
 ==13514==    by 0x40068B: get_input (getinput.c:17)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514== Invalid read of size 8
 ==13514==    at 0x40085B: get_input (getinput.c:68)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514==  Address 0x4A2D078 is 8 bytes inside a block of size 15 alloc'd
 ==13514==    at 0x4904A06: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:149)
 ==13514==    by 0x40068B: get_input (getinput.c:17)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)

 Enter the nearest airport name : London

 Enter the type of tourist spot : Entertainment

 ==13514== ERROR SUMMARY: 13 errors from 12 contexts (suppressed: 4 from 1)
 ==13514== malloc/free: in use at exit: 106 bytes in 7 blocks.
 ==13514== malloc/free: 7 allocs, 0 frees, 106 bytes allocated.
 ==13514== For counts of detected errors, rerun with: -v
 ==13514== searching for pointers to 7 not-freed blocks.
 ==13514== checked 75,768 bytes.
 ==13514== 15 bytes in 1 blocks are indirectly lost in loss record 1 of 7
 ==13514==    at 0x4904A06: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:149)
 ==13514==    by 0x40088A: get_input (getinput.c:70)
 ==13514==    at 0x4904A06: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:149)
 ==13514==    by 0x40088A: get_input (getinput.c:70)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514== 15 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 2 of 7
 ==13514==    at 0x4904A06: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:149)
 ==13514==    by 0x40082E: get_input (getinput.c:62)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514== 15 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 3 of 7
 ==13514==    at 0x4904A06: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:149)
 ==13514==    by 0x4006ED: get_input (getinput.c:26)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514== 15 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 4 of 7
 ==13514==    at 0x4904A06: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:149)
 ==13514==    by 0x40068B: get_input (getinput.c:17)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514== 15 bytes in 1 blocks are indirectly lost in loss record 5 of 7
 ==13514==    at 0x4904A06: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:149)
 ==13514==    by 0x4006ED: get_input (getinput.c:26)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514== 15 bytes in 1 blocks are indirectly lost in loss record 6 of 7
 ==13514==    at 0x4904A06: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:149)
 ==13514==    by 0x40068B: get_input (getinput.c:17)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514== 61 (16 direct, 45 indirect) bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 7 of 7
 ==13514==    at 0x4904A06: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:149)
 ==13514==    by 0x400637: get_input (getinput.c:8)
 ==13514==    by 0x4005E8: main (main.c:5)
 ==13514== LEAK SUMMARY:
 ==13514==    definitely lost: 61 bytes in 4 blocks.
 ==13514==    indirectly lost: 45 bytes in 3 blocks.
 ==13514==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
 ==13514==    still reachable: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
 ==13514==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.

How can I resolve this and make my program more memory-efficient? 如何解决这个问题并使我的程序更节省内存? Is there anything wrong in the malloc() statements that I used? 我使用的malloc()语句有什么问题吗?

The first thing to do is get rid of all the memory error(buffer overruns). 首先要做的是摆脱所有内存错误(缓冲区溢出)。 The first error occurs in get_input.c at line 45, so go to that line and figure out what's going wrong. 第45行的get_input.c中发生了第一个错误,所以转到该行并找出出错的地方。

One thing that's surely going wrong is this 有一件事肯定是错的


You're allocating a place_t , however you have defined a place_t as this: 你正在分配一个place_t,但是你已经定义了一个place_t:

typedef struct


ie a place_t is just a pointer. 即place_t只是一个指针。 That means that eg malloc(sizeof(place_t)) just allocates space for a pointer, not for a whole place_t. 这意味着例如malloc(sizeof(place_t))只为指针分配空间,而不是为整个place_t分配空间。 Don't hide structs names as pointers with a typedef, but if you must, change your malloc statement to 不要将结构名称隐藏为带有typedef的指针,但如果必须,请将malloc语句更改为

     place=(place_t)malloc(sizeof *place)*num);

Another problem is that you free() the struct and afterwards try to access a member inside it, which is invalid. 另一个问题是你释放()结构,然后尝试访问其中的成员,这是无效的。


You have to do it in this order 你必须按此顺序进行


You are also leaking memory eg here: for(i=0;iname=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX); 你也在泄漏内存,例如:for(i = 0; iname =(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)* MAX);

What happens the 2. time in this loop ? 在这个循环中2.时间会发生什么? You assign to place->name , losing the pointer to the memory you allocated in the first iteration of the loop. 您分配到place->name ,丢失指向您在循环的第一次迭代中分配的内存的指针。 Maybe you meant to use place[num] inside the loop as you do try to allocate many place_t's in the place=(place_t)malloc(sizeof(place_t)*num); 也许你打算在循环中使用place [num],因为你试图在place =(place_t)malloc(sizeof(place_t)* num)中分配许多place_t; statement. 声明。

The problem isn't so much the malloc statements, but rather the order in which you're freeing the memory up once you're finished with it. 问题不在于malloc语句,而是在你完成它之后释放内存的顺序。

eg 例如


should be 应该


otherwise memory allocated to name won't be freed. 否则将释放分配给name内存。

Similarly, calling free(place); 同样, free(place); wont free memory allocated in place->name=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX); 不会释放释放的内存place->name=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX);

You must manually free the memory allocated to each Malloc statement. 您必须手动释放分配给每个Malloc语句的内存。

It's always best to check whether pointers to memory locations are null before using them again with malloc . 在使用malloc再次使用它们之前,最好先检查指向内存位置的指针是否为null

If they're not null then free them and then set them to null . 如果它们不为nullfree它们然后将它们设置为null This will help in ensuring that you don't have memory leaks. 这有助于确保您没有内存泄漏。

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