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在Viewbox中获取TextBlock / Label以进行缩放而不会产生不希望的填充

[英]Getting a TextBlock/Label in Viewbox to Scale without undesirable padding

Here is my very simple xaml: 这是我非常简单的xaml:

<Window x:Class="Test.Window1"
    Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300" Background="Black" Padding="0" Margin="0" >
    <Viewbox Margin="0">
        <TextBlock Text="Test" Background="AliceBlue" Foreground="Red" 
            Padding="0" Margin="0" />

This is supposed to scale the Label/Textblock (I've tried both) to fill as much of the window as possible while maintaining aspect ratio of the text. 这应该缩放Label / Textblock(我已尝试过两者)以尽可能多地填充窗口,同时保持文本的宽高比。 The issue is, if you drag the size of the window around you can see that there seems to be some sort of invisible, un-changeable padding on the top and bottom of the text. 问题是,如果你拖动窗口的大小,你可以看到文本的顶部和底部似乎有某种不可见的,不可更改的填充。

The left and right don't seem to have it (left image), but the top and bottom do (right image): 左边和右边似乎没有它(左图),但顶部和底部都是(右图):


Here I pointed out the extra padding I was talking about: 在这里,我指出了我正在讨论的额外填充:


I would expect it to render more like this (I did this manually, so the aspect ratio is not perfect): 希望它渲染更像这样(我手动完成,所以宽高比不完美):


Has anyone ever overcome this? 有没有人克服过这个? Maybe I need to be drawing this text directly with GDI+ or something, but I'm not even sure where to start with that, so any keywords I should hit Google with would also be appreciated! 也许我需要直接使用GDI +或其他东西来绘制这个文本,但我甚至不确定从哪开始,所以任何我应该点击谷歌的关键词也会受到赞赏!

It's part of the font as far as i can tell, try setting FontFamily to Webdings . 据我所知,它是字体的一部分,尝试将FontFamily设置为Webdings


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