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[英]Codeigniter - How to validate dynamic INPUT array?

I am not being able to run validation on an array of input fields. 我无法在输入字段数组上运行验证。 When I submit the form, it is submitted OK (data is saved correctly), but without validation (no errors, no messages). 当我提交表单时,它被提交确定(正确保存了数据),但是没有验证(没有错误,没有消息)。

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? 知道我在做什么错吗?

My view: 我的观点:

<?php echo form_open('save', array('id' => 'form')); ?>
    <?php foreach ($cars as $row): ?>
                        <?php echo $row->cars_name; ?>
                    <?php echo form_input("car[$row->cars_id][cars_number]", $row->cars_number); ?>
                    <?php echo form_input("car[$row->cars_id][cars_number_reg]", $row->cars_number_reg); ?>

    <?php endforeach; ?>
<?php echo form_close(); ?>

My config/form_validation.php : 我的config / form_validation.php

'test/save' => array(
                        'field' => 'car[]', // also tried car[][], but no go
                        'label' => 'Field',
                        'rules' => 'alpha|htmlspecialchars|trim'

My controller: 我的控制器:

function save()
    if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {

        $json['success'] = '0';
        $json['message'] = validation_errors();
        echo json_encode($json);

    } else {

        $car = $this->input->post('car');

        foreach ($car as $k => $v) {

            $data['cars_number']       = $v['cars_number'];
            $data['cars_number_reg']   = $v['cars_number_reg'];

            $cars_id = $k;

            $this->emergency_model->save($data, $cars_id);

        $json['success'] = '1';
        echo json_encode($json);

From the user guide form_validation 从用户指南form_validation

You must use the "exact" name for validation rules. 您必须使用“精确”名称作为验证规则。 In your case validation rules should be generated in foreach, same as your view. 在您的情况下,验证规则应在foreach中生成,与您的视图相同。

$validation_rules = array();
foreach($cars as $row){
   $validation_rules[] = array( 'field'=>'car['.$row->cars_id.'][cars_number]',
                                'rules' => 'alpha|htmlspecialchars|trim'


(note:this code was not tested) (注意:此代码未经测试)

I think you have to do this in controller instead of config. 我认为您必须在控制器而不是配置中执行此操作。


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