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Facebook PHP SDK(v.3.1.1)问题

[英]Facebook PHP SDK (v.3.1.1) questions

I have recently downloaded the Facebook PHP SDK to try and post to a Facebook user's wall. 我最近下载了Facebook PHP SDK,以尝试发布到Facebook用户的墙上。

My Facebook user is currently logged in but has not used my app. 我的Facebook用户当前已登录,但未使用我的应用程序。

$user = $facebook->getUser();
if ($user) {
 // user is logged in

} else {
 // user is not logged in
   $url = $facebook->getLoginUrl(array('next' => 'http://localhost.com/php-sdk/examples/example.php'));
   header("Location: $url");

I've noticed that it redirects me to a page where it requires me to log into the app, which is kinda weird as this is the first time i have seen this behavior, it says "You are logging into DummyFBApp as User" at the bottom. 我注意到它将我重定向到需要我登录到该应用程序的页面,这有点奇怪,因为这是我第一次看到此行为,它说“您正在以用户身份登录DummyFBApp”。底部。 Whenever i try to use other fb apps it only ask me for permissions to access my information, post, etc. 每当我尝试使用其他fb应用程序时,它只会询问我访问我的信息,发布等的权限。

Is it possible to skip this "login" and only show the dialog whether to allow the app to post to the user wall? 是否可以跳过此“登录”,仅显示对话框是否允许该应用发布到用户墙上?

您的服务器端,而不是使用JS SDK,但无论如何,请看一下: Facebook权限对话框(JavaScript sdk)

Pretty sure that is the new auth dialog. 可以肯定的是,这是新的身份验证对话框。 There should be an option under settings -> advanced in the Facebook app setup that allows you to turn it off for the time being. Facebook应用程序设置中的设置->高级下应有一个选项,可让您暂时将其关闭。

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