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[英]Replacement for obsolete Hashtable class in Java

When I tried to use the hashtable class, Netbeans gave me an error saying: 当我尝试使用哈希表类时,Netbeans给了我一个错误说:

While still supported, these classes were made obsolete by the JDK1.2 collection classes, and should probably not be used in new development. 虽然仍然受支持,但这些类已被JDK1.2集合类淘汰,并且可能不应该在新开发中使用。

However, I can't seem to find an example online on a better replacement for Hashtable . 但是,我似乎无法在网上找到更好的替代Hashtable的例子。 Any suggestions? 有什么建议?

The most direct replacement of a Hashtable is a HashMap . 最直接更换的Hashtable是一个HashMap

One difference that could be important is that all relevant methods of Hashtable are synchronized while they are not synchronized on HashMap . 可能重要的一个区别是Hashtable所有相关方法在HashMap同步时是同步的。

A better replacement for Hashtable is HashMap . 为了更好的替代HashtableHashMap

As for being obsolete, I have no reference to it, but the Javadoc states: 至于过时,我没有提到它,但Javadoc说:

As of the Java 2 platform v1.2, this class was retrofitted to implement the Map interface, making it a member of the Java Collections Framework . 从Java 2平台v1.2开始,这个类被改进以实现Map接口,使其成为Java Collections Framework的成员。

Hashtable is synchronized unlike HashMap . HashMap不同, Hashtable是同步的。

You should use HashMap, but it is not designed for concurrent environments, where you may use ConcurrentHashMap . 您应该使用HashMap,但它不是为并发环境设计的,您可以使用ConcurrentHashMap

OR 要么

Map<K,V> myMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(/*any map instance*/);

There are cases when a method outside your control requires an Hashtable . 有些情况下,控件之外的方法需要Hashtable Java's own javax.management.ObjectName is such an example [1] . Java自己的javax.management.ObjectName就是这样一个例子[1]

When the external interface requires it you have to use Hashtable . 当外部接口需要它时,您必须使用Hashtable In netbeans, you can use: 在netbeans中,您可以使用:


to suppress the warning locally. 在本地抑制警告。

See 看到

1: I wonder why they used Hashtable and not HashMap , since ObjectName is available since 1.5 and Hashtable is obsolete since 1.2 1:我想知道为什么他们使用Hashtable而不是HashMap ,因为ObjectName从1.5开始可用,而Hashtable从1.2开始就已经过时了


Map<String, Integer> mymap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

Summary 摘要

The closest replacement is HashMap (usually via the Map interface). 最接近的替换是HashMap(通常通过Map接口)。

But note that Hashtable is thread-safe while HashMap is not. 但请注意,Hashtable是线程安全的,而HashMap则不是。 This is not a problem in most cases and it was intentional to make most Java collections non-thread-safe to avoid performance penalty for most common scenarios. 在大多数情况下 ,这不是问题,并且有意使大多数Java集合非线程安全,以避免大多数常见方案的性能损失。 But if you relied on Hashtable thread-safety and now need a replacement that would also be thread-safe then you have two options: 但是如果你依赖Hashtable线程安全并且现在需要一个也是线程安全的替换,那么你有两个选择:

  • If you need a simple synchronization wrapper for an existing Map - use Collections.synchronizedMap(...) 如果您需要现有Map的简单同步包装器 - 请使用Collections.synchronizedMap(...)
  • If you need a class carefully and optimally designed for concurrent access - use ConcurrentHashMap (usually via the ConcurrentMap interface that extends the Map interface with additional concurrency features). 如果您需要一个仔细且经过优化设计的类来进行并发访问 - 请使用ConcurrentHashMap(通常通过ConcurrentMap接口扩展Map接口以及其他并发功能)。

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