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[英]jQuery treat hover on two elements as one element

I have an image map which I have overlaid with some markers in the form of anchors. 我有一张图像地图,我用锚点的形式覆盖了一些标记。 I currently have a hover trigger on each image map area and the associated anchor - as shown in screen shot 我目前在每个图像映射区域和相关锚点上都有一个悬停触发器 - 如屏幕截图所示 在此输入图像描述

I need to treat these two elements as one, as currently when the mouse is moved out of one into the other, it calls .hover() and the callback again. 我需要将这两个元素视为一个,因为当鼠标从一个移出另一个时,它会再次调用.hover()和回调。 I want to call the hover callback only when the mouse is moved out of either elements. 我只想在鼠标移出任何一个元素时调用悬停回调。

$('#areaID1, #areaID2').hover(function(){
    //same mouseover event
}, function(){
    //same mouseout event

As you said that you need to treat these two elements as one so you can create a parent container and on that container you can bind event easily 正如您所说,您需要将这两个元素视为一个,这样您就可以创建父容器,并且可以在该容器上轻松绑定事件

<div id="mapContainer">
   <div id="areaID1"> xyz </div>
   <div id="areaID2"> xyz </div>

    //do anything
    }, function(){
    //do anything

Here is the code I am using: 这是我正在使用的代码:

MAP.area = $('#centre_map area, #map ol li');
MAP.area.hover(function() {
    // Add active classes
    // Load content
    load_map_activity($('body').attr('id'), $(this).attr('class'));
}, function() {
    // Remove active classes

<div id="map">
<img src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>images/bristol_map.png" alt="bristol map" usemap="#centre_map" />
<map name="centre_map" id="centre_map">
    <area shape="poly" coords="179,95,188,87,187,53,181,48,54,29,41,38,37,53,39,77,44,87" href="#" class="paintball" alt="Paintballing" />
    <li class="paintball"><a class="marker paintball" href="#" title="Paintballing">1</a></li>

Rory McCrossan I will try this but I fear since the anchor is layered ontop of the image map area the hover call will be made again when mouse is moved onto anchor (even though we still above map area). Rory McCrossan我会尝试这个,但我担心,因为锚点位于图像地图区域的顶部,当鼠标移动到锚点时(即使我们仍然在地图区域之上),将再次进行悬停调用。

I have managed to achieve the desired result - I was looking at the problem from the wrong angle, it's not a hover problem, but more making the ajax call. 我已经设法达到了预期的结果 - 我从错误的角度看问题,这不是悬停问题,而是更多地进行ajax调用。

    MAP.area = $('#centre_map area, #map ol li');
MAP.area.hover(function() {
    // Add active classes
    $('#map_key ol li a.'+$(this).attr('class')).addClass('active');
    $('#map ol li a.'+$(this).attr('class')).addClass('active');

    if(typeof MAP.current_content == 'undefined')
        // Load content
        load_map_activity($('body').attr('id'), $(this).attr('class'));

    if(MAP.current_content != $(this).attr('class'))
        $('#map_info > *').remove();
        // Load content
        load_map_activity($('body').attr('id'), $(this).attr('class'));
}, function() {
    // Remove active classes
    $('#map_key ol li a.'+$(this).attr('class')).removeClass('active');
    $('#map ol li a.'+$(this).attr('class')).removeClass('active');

function load_map_activity(centre, activity) {
    MAP.current_content = activity;
    $('#map_info').hide().load('/ajax/'+centre+'_'+activity, {}, function() { $(this).fadeIn('fast'); });

Thanks everyone who has helped. 谢谢所有帮助过的人。

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