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Project Silk类型架构对于数据量大的LOB应用程序有多强大?

[英]How robust is the Project Silk type architecture for data heavy LOB apps?

Project Silk looks good for social networking applications where there are streams of frequently updated data that need to appear in a dashboard style presentation. Project Silk看起来很适合社交网络应用程序,在这些应用程序中,需要在仪表板样式表示中显示频繁更新的数据流。

I would like to ask if such an architecture also is appropriate for typical LOB apps that are data-heavy. 我想问一下这样的架构是否适用于数据量大的典型LOB应用程序。 Currently, we use WPF or Silverlight for rich client presentation (tabs of master/detail forms, Office Ribbon styles, drag and drop, grids, charts). 目前,我们使用WPF或Silverlight进行富客户端演示(主/明细表单,Office功能区样式,拖放,网格,图表)。 Project Silk seems to open up another option for such apps. Project Silk似乎为此类应用开辟了另一种选择。

A few questions I have: 我有几个问题:

  • Are the technologies used in this stack mature enough for consideration for enterprise use? 此堆栈中使用的技术是否足够成熟以供企业使用?

  • Is the breadth of current and upcoming JQuery UI widgets enough to cover these needs? 当前和即将推出的JQuery UI小部件的广度是否足以满足这些需求?

  • Will this architecture be performant running in interpreted mode on a browser instead of fully utilizing CPU power as native apps do? 这种架构是否能够在浏览器上以解释模式运行,而不是像本机应用那样充分利用CPU能力?

Are the technologies used in this stack mature enough for consideration for enterprise use? 此堆栈中使用的技术是否足够成熟以供企业使用?

jQuery, asp.net mvc 3, html 5, css 3 are mature and works ok for enterprise use. jQuery,asp.net mvc 3,html 5,css 3都很成熟,适合企业使用。 There are some differences depending on the browser used. 根据使用的浏览器,存在一些差异。 This is a big issue. 这是一个大问题。

Is the breadth of current and upcoming JQuery UI widgets enough to cover these needs? 当前和即将推出的JQuery UI小部件的广度是否足以满足这些需求?

No. Silverlight/wpf is much more "stable". 没有.Silverlight / wpf更加“稳定”。 The UI box model is excellent. UI框模型非常棒。 Silverlight/wpf is also more "solid" as it is compiled and can be fully tested. Silverlight / wpf在编译时也更加“可靠”,可以进行全面测试。

Will this architecture be performant running in interpreted mode on a browser instead of fully utilizing CPU power as native apps do? 这种架构是否能够在浏览器上以解释模式运行,而不是像本机应用那样充分利用CPU能力?

It will be performant, but not as performant as a native app or a silverlight/wpf app which is compiled on the customer's computer. 它将具有高性能,但不如本机应用程序或在客户计算机上编译的silverlight / wpf应用程序那样高效。

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