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[英]assembly conversion to basm

I'm trying to convert the CrapWOW Hash from http://www.team5150.com/~andrew/noncryptohashzoo/CrapWow.html to delphi or rather to basm. 我正在尝试将CrapWOW哈希从http://www.team5150.com/~andrew/noncryptohashzoo/CrapWow.html转换为delphi或改为basm。 My asm skills are very limited, but i thought it wouldn't be too hard... 我的asm技能非常有限,但我认为这并不难...

Anyway, with help of some webpages about asm conversion, I came to this, but it don't work... Especially, for the last part I have no Idea how to convert. 无论如何,在一些有关asm转换的网页的帮助下,我想到了这一点,但是它不起作用...特别是,对于最后一部分,我不知道如何进行转换。 Is this an assignment of the registers to the parameters and the return parameter? 这是将寄存器分配给参数和返回参数吗?

function CrapWow(key: PAnsiChar; len, seed: Cardinal): Cardinal;
//finline u32 fastcall CrapWow( const u8 *key, u32 len, u32 seed ) {
// #if !defined(__LP64__) && !defined(_MSC_VER) && ( defined(__i386__) || defined(__i486__) || defined(__i586__) || defined(__i686__) )
// // esi = k, ebx = h
//  u32 hash;
//  asm(
  lea esi, 5052acdbh[ecx+esi] //leal 0x5052acdb(%ecx,%esi), %esi
  mov ebx, ecx                //movl %ecx, %ebx
  cmp ecx, 8                  //cmpl $8, %ecx
  jb @DW

@QW:                        //QW%=:
  mov eax, 5052acdbh          //movl $0x5052acdb, %eax
  mul [edi]                   //mull (%edi)                  << CRASH HERE
  add ecx, -8                 //addl $-8, %ecx
  xor ebx, eax                //xorl %eax, %ebx
  xor esi, edx                //xorl %edx, %esi
  mov eax, 57559429h          //movl $0x57559429, %eax
  mul 4[edi]                  //mull 4(%edi)
  xor esi, eax                //xorl %eax, %esi
  xor ebx, edx                //xorl %edx, %ebx
  add edi, 8                  //addl $8, %edi
  cmp ecx, 8                  //cmpl $8, %ecx
  jae @QW                     //jae QW%=

@DW:                        //DW%=:
  cmp ecx, 4                  //cmpl $4, %ecx
  jb @B                       //jb B%=
  mov eax, 5052acdbh          //movl $0x5052acdb, %eax
  mul [edi]                   //mull (%edi)
  add edi, 4                  //addl $4, %edi
  xor ebx, eax                //xorl %eax, %ebx
  add ecx, -4                 //addl $-4, %ecx
  xor esi, edx                //xorl %edx, %esi

@B:                         //B%=:
  test ecx, ecx               //testl %ecx, %ecx
  jz @F                       //jz F%=
  shl ecx, 3                  //shll $3, %ecx
  mov edx, 1                  //movl $1, %edx
  mov eax, 57559429h          //movl $0x57559429, %eax
  shl edx, cl                 //shll %cl, %edx
  add edx, -1                 //addl $-1, %edx
  and edx, [edi]              //andl (%edi), %edx
  mul edx                     //mull %edx
  xor esi, eax                //xorl %eax, %esi
  xor ebx, edx                //xorl %edx, %ebx

@F:                         //F%=:
  lea edx, 5052acdbh[esi]     //leal 0x5052acdb(%esi), %edx
  xor edx, ebx                //xorl %ebx, %edx
  mov eax, 5052acdbh          //movl $0x5052acdb, %eax
  mul edx                     //mull %edx
  xor eax, ebx                //xorl %ebx, %eax
  xor esi, edx                //xorl %edx, %esi
  xor eax, esi                //xorl %esi, %eax

//No idea how to convert this...
//    : =a(hash), =c(len), =S(len), =D(key)
//    : c(len), S(seed), D(key)
//    : %ebx, %edx, cc
//  );
//  return hash;}

I would be very glad to have some help on this. 我很高兴在此方面有所帮助。

knight_killer knight_killer

It looks EDI is used before being initialized. 看起来EDI已在初始化之前使用。 It seems to happen later with other registers as well. 似乎以后也会与其他寄存器一起发生。 You should check how those registers are set by the original code compiler on entering the procedure code, and check you've copied it correctly. 输入程序代码时,应检查原始代码编译器如何设置这些寄存器,并检查是否已正确复制了它们。 Looks also at comments to your question. 还会查看对您的问题的评论。

是的..它看起来像EDI在初始化之前就被使用了,您应该通过使用指针..来传递len参数,因为您正在使用“ mul [edi]”指令。

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