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[英]How to query two from two seperate datatables with different values

How would I query the following? 我将如何查询以下内容?

User.name and Groups.description, 
from the User table and Groups table, 
where User.id_user = User_Group.id_user, and Groups.id_groups = User_Group.id_groups 

I read about UNION and Join s, but UNION requires the tables to have the same number of columns, while the JOIN s seem to work only with 2 tables?? 我了解了UNIONJoin ,但是UNION要求表具有相同数量的列,而JOIN似乎仅适用于2个表? Is it possible to combine UNION and Join s? 是否可以结合UNIONJoin

SELECT User.Name
FULL JOIN User_Groups
ON User.Id_user= User_Groups.Id_user
SELECT Group.Description
FROM Group
FULL JOIN User_Groups
ON Group.Id_group= Groups.Id_group

Would the above code be right?? 上面的代码正确吗?

Try this simplified query: 试试这个简化的查询:

FROM   User u
JOIN   User_Groups USING (Id_user)

SELECT g.Description
FROM   Group g
JOIN   User_Groups USING (Id_group)
  • Use UNION ALL instead of UNION , because UNION would eliminate any rows with the same values. 使用UNION ALL而不是UNION ,因为UNION会消除具有相同值的任何行。

  • The result of a UNION has only one header, the column names are taken from the fist SELECT in the query. 一个UNION的结果只有一个标题,列名取自查询中的第一个SELECT So the column name will be "Name" in your case. 因此,在您的情况下,列名称将为“名称”。

  • USING is just a syntactical simplification for ON when the joining columns share the same name(s) and occur only once left and right of the join. 当连接列共享相同的名称并且仅在连接的左侧和右侧出现一次时, USING只是ON的语法简化。

  • Table aliases User AS u or simply User u simplify later references in the code. 表别名User AS u或只是User u简化了代码中的后续引用。

  • You can JOIN as many tables as you like, this is not limited to two tables. 您可以根据需要JOIN任意多个表,但不限于两个表。 I suspect, what you really want is this: 我怀疑,您真正想要的是:

SELECT u.Name, g.Description
FROM   User u
JOIN   User_Groups USING (Id_user)
JOIN   Group g USING (Id_group)
  • But there is no FULL [OUTER] JOIN in MySQL. 但是MySQL中没有FULL [OUTER] JOIN Other RDBMS have that, like PostgreSQL. 其他的RDBMS都有,例如PostgreSQL。 Read here . 在这里阅读
    I suspect, that's not what you wanted to begin with and replaced it with a plain [INNER] JOIN . 我怀疑,这不是您要开始使用的内容,而是将其替换为简单的[INNER] JOIN Read more in the manual here . 在此处阅读更多手册

Try this also, I think, no need of join. 我认为也可以尝试加入。

SELECT u.name, g.description FROM User u, Groups g, User_Group ug, Groups.id gi 
WHERE u.id_user=g.id_user and g.id_groups=ug.id_groups;

Try : 尝试:

SELECT User.Name, Groups.Description
JOIN User_Group on User.id_user = User_Group.id_user
JOIN Groups on Groups.id_groups = User_Group.id_groups

or 要么

SELECT User.Name, Groups.Description
JOIN User_Group USING (id_user)
JOIN Groups USING (id_groups)

Not sure why you want to use the union for ? 不确定为什么要使用该union吗? (unless you want 1 column - which you didnt specify) (除非您想要1列-您未指定)

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