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[英]Sending Notifications to Mobile Devices with in a 5 Meter Radius

I have been asked to look into the feasibility of sending notifications to mobile devices with in 5 or 10 meter radius of a booth at a trade show. 我被要求调查在贸易展览会上以5或10米半径的展位向移动设备发送通知的可行性。 The client would like to be able to send to notifications to passers by at a trade show and would like to alert them of their booth. 客户希望能够在贸易展览会上向路人发送通知,并希望向他们提醒自己的展位。

I am aware this is possible of users have the client's mobile application installed, but they would like to also reach those that do not. 我知道这是可能的,因为用户已经安装了客户端的移动应用程序,但是他们也希望覆盖那些没有安装该应用程序的用户。

Looking into the various options, bluetooth would require pairing (and the antenna to be on), NFC is too new and therefore not supported on many devices, and scanning wi-fi signals would let the client know people are around. 查看各种选项,蓝牙将需要配对(并且天线必须打开),NFC太新了,因此在许多设备上不支持,并且扫描wi-fi信号会让客户知道周围有人。

I am looking into foursquare and/or Brightkite API's, but that still requires those applications to be installed on the users' device. 我正在研究Foursquare和/或Brightkite API,但是仍然需要将这些应用程序安装在用户的设备上。

Has any one tried this, and succeeded (technically and legally)? 是否有人尝试过此方法,并且在技术上和法律上都成功了?


There are two ways of setting up proximity alerts : using cellular network or GPS. 设置接近警报有两种方法:使用蜂窝网络或GPS。

GPS can give you a precise location : the accuracy on a good smartphone is theoretically in the 5-10 meters range, but very often it's more like 20 meters. GPS可以为您提供精确的位置:理论上,好的智能手机的精度在5到10米范围内,但通常更像是20米。 It may also drain your battery quickly, especially if you are monitoring a lot of point of interest. 它还可能会很快耗尽电池电量,尤其是在您监视很多兴趣点时。

Cellular is cheaper battery-wise, but will only trigger when switching network cell, so accuracy is in kilometer. 蜂窝电池在电池方面较为便宜,但仅在切换网络电池时才会触发,因此精度以千米为单位。

There is a good discussion of the different options in the iOS documentation http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/LocationAwarenessPG/CoreLocation/CoreLocation.html iOS文档http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/LocationAwarenessPG/CoreLocation/CoreLocation.html中对不同选项进行了很好的讨论。

The Android equivalent is here http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/location/obtaining-user-location.html 相当于Android的版本在这里http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/location/obtaining-user-location.html

您可以使用蓝牙,就像某些广告牌通过以下方式广播给路人一样: http : //www.newscientist.com/article/dn7883-billboards-beam-adverts-to-passing-cellphones.html

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