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[英]Copy files without recreating subdirectories using Powershell

The solution here works for me if the command is executed at a command prompt: 如果命令在命令提示符下执行,这里的解决方案适用于我:

Copy files without recreating subdirectories 复制文件而不重新创建子目录

However, I get an error if the command is in a batch file: 但是,如果命令在批处理文件中,则会出错:

"The following usage of the path operator in batch-parameter substitution is invalid %~nf" “批处理参数替换中路径运算符的以下用法无效%~nf”

How do you code this in Powershell? 你如何在Powershell中编写代码?

Replace any % with %% in a bat file. 在bat文件中用%%替换任何%

So %~nf becomes %%~nf 所以%~nf变成了%%~nf

Powershell equivalent: Powershell等效:

gci -r .\test | ?{-not $_.PsIsContainer} | copy-item -Destination .\test2


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