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滚动后检测 UITableView 中的当前顶部单元格

[英]Detect the current top cell in a UITableView after scrolling

a simple question but I don't seem to have the right terminology to search Stackoverflow by it.一个简单的问题,但我似乎没有正确的术语来搜索 Stackoverflow。

I have a UITableView with no sections, the user can scroll up and down a long list of data (rows) presented inside this tableview.我有一个没有部分的 UITableView,用户可以上下滚动显示在这个 tableview 中的一长串数据(行)。

Question: how can I detect the most top cell row number after the user scrolled.问题:如何在用户滚动后检测最顶部的单元格行号。 (for example, if the user is scrolling 30 cells down, the top cell after the scroll is = 30) (例如,如果用户向下滚动 30 个单元格,则滚动后的顶部单元格为 = 30)

You could try using UITableView 's -indexPathsForVisibleRows or -indexPathForRowAtPoint .您可以尝试使用UITableView-indexPathsForVisibleRows-indexPathForRowAtPoint

For example, let's say that you want to print the indexPath of the topmost visible cell, when you stop dragging your table.例如,假设您要在停止拖动表格时打印最顶部可见单元格的 indexPath。 You could do something like this:你可以这样做:

- (void)scrollViewDidEndDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView willDecelerate:(BOOL)decelerate{
    NSIndexPath *firstVisibleIndexPath = [[self.tableView indexPathsForVisibleRows] objectAtIndex:0];
    NSLog(@"first visible cell's section: %i, row: %i", firstVisibleIndexPath.section, firstVisibleIndexPath.row);

For Swift 3.0对于 Swift 3.0

let topVisibleIndexPath:IndexPath = self.tableView.indexPathsForVisibleRows![0]

You get the index paths for the visible rows您获得可见行的索引路径

NSArray* indexPaths = [tableView indexPathsForVisibleRows];

Then sort using compare:然后使用compare:排序compare:

NSArray* sortedIndexPaths = [indexPaths sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)];

Then get the first element's row然后获取第一个元素的行

NSInteger row = [(NSIndexPath*)[sortedIndexPaths objectAtIndex:0] row];

This is the Swift 3+ code:这是 Swift 3+ 代码:

override func scrollViewDidEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, willDecelerate decelerate: Bool) {
    let firstVisibleIndexPath = self.tableView.indexPathsForVisibleRows?[0]
    print("First visible cell section=\(firstVisibleIndexPath?.section), and row=\(firstVisibleIndexPath?.row)")

In Swift 4:在 Swift 4 中:

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, willDisplay cell: UITableViewCell, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
    let firstVisibleIndexPath = self.tableview.indexPathsForVisibleRows?[0]
    print("top visible cell section  is \([firstVisibleIndexPath!.section])")

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