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C ++具有子类特定值的非变化成员变量

[英]C++ Non-changing member variables with sub-class specific values

My Class Hierarchy is thus: BaseClass (is an abstract class) then it has three subclasses that inherit from it: ArcaneWarrior, Guardian, Magi. 因此,我的类层次结构是:BaseClass(是一个抽象类)然后它有三个继承自它的子类:ArcaneWarrior,Guardian,Magi。

I want to have two non-changing values for DefaultHealth and DefaultMana that are specific to each subclass as they will all have different values for both variables. 我想为DefaultHealth和DefaultMana提供两个特定于每个子类的非变化值,因为它们对于两个变量都具有不同的值。

I guess I'm just looking for the best/most efficient way to do this. 我想我只是在寻找最好/最有效的方法来做到这一点。

Should I just have two virtual functions in the base class to return DefaultHealth and DefaultMana, and in the subclasses hard code in the values I want? 我应该只在基类中有两个虚函数来返回DefaultHealth和DefaultMana,而在子类中我想要的值是硬代码吗?

I appreciate any insight 我很欣赏任何见解

My vote goes to const values in the base class and a protected constructor: 我的投票转到基类中的const值和protected构造函数:

class BaseClass{
  const unsigned default_health;
  const unsigned default_mana;

  BaseClass(unsigned def_hp, unsigned def_mp)
    : default_health(def_hp)
    , default_mana(def_mp)

  // your functions...

class ArcaneWarrior
  : public BaseClass
    : BaseClass(200, 50)

  // ...

This is superior to the virtual function approach in 2 ways: 这在两个方面优于virtual函数方法:

  • No virtual dispatch at runtime (no overhead) 运行时没有虚拟调度(没有开销)
  • true const -ness (those values can't be changed, ever) true const -ness(这些值无法更改,永远)

Virtual functions don't give you const -ness, see this example: 虚函数不提供const -ness,请参阅此示例:

class BaseClass{
  virtual unsigned GetDefaultHealth() const = 0;
  virtual unsigned GetDefaultMana() const = 0;
  // ...

class ArcaneWarrior
  : public BaseClass
  unsigned default_health, default_mana;

  virtual unsigned GetDefaultHealth() const{
    return default_health;

  virtual unsigned GetDefaultHealth() const{
    return default_mana;

  void SetDefaults(unsigned health, unsigned mana){
    default_health = health;
    default_mana = mana;

Yes, that's really the best and most straightforward way to do it. 是的,这确实是最好,最直接的方式。 With virtual functions, you get both the "non-changing"-ness you want, along with being able to determine that value through a pointer (or reference) to the base class without knowing the exact type. 使用虚函数,您既可以获得所需的“不变”,又可以通过指向基类的指针(或引用)来确定该值,而无需知道确切的类型。

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