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带有ASP .NET和WIF的WSO2身份服务器

[英]WSO2 Identity server with ASP .NET and WIF

We are looking into Microsoft ASP .NET(WS-Federation with windows identity foundation) interoperability with WSO2 identity server. 我们正在研究Microsoft ASP .NET(具有Windows身份基础的WS-Federation)与WSO2身份服务器的互操作性。 I posted the issue on the forum 14 weeks ago ( http://wso2.org/forum/thread/14221 ) but have not got any response on the thread yet. 我在14周前在论坛上发布了这个问题( http://wso2.org/forum/thread/14221 ),但尚未对该主题做出任何回应。 I would really appreciate if I get some guidance on how to configure the passive STS in context to an ASP .NET client using WS-Federation protocol (windows identity foundation) for the claim based security model. 如果我得到一些关于如何使用基于声明的安全模型的WS-Federation协议(Windows身份基础)在ASP .NET客户端上下文中配置被动STS的指导,我将非常感激。 In our last investigation session, we found Stonehenge project ( http://incubator.apache.org/stonehenge/ ) as an example closest to what we want to achieve but identity server version 3.2.0 had the Passive STS feature missing which I hope has been added back to version 3.2.2. 在我们的上一次调查会议中,我们发现Stonehenge项目( http://incubator.apache.org/stonehenge/ )作为最接近我们想要实现的示例,但身份服务器版本3.2.0缺少Passive STS功能,我希望已添加回3.2.2版。

Q1 - Can you please confirm if WSO2 identity server has got full support of WS-Federation protocol? Q1 - 您能否确认WSO2身份服务器是否完全支持WS-Federation协议? (If yes please provide related documents, if no please suggest best alternative for Microsoft identity foundation interoperability) (如果是,请提供相关文档,如果没有请建议Microsoft身份基础互操作性的最佳替代方案)

Q2 - Can you please provide a guidance and a sample of how to use passive STS feature in context of an ASP .NET application using Windows Identity Foundation (WIF)? Q2 - 您能否在使用Windows Identity Foundation(WIF)的ASP .NET应用程序的上下文中提供有关如何使用被动STS功能的指导和示例?

Q3- How to administer claims in identity server to be consumed in ASP .NET application? Q3-如何管理要在ASP .NET应用程序中使用的身份服务器中的声明?

Q1 - WSO2 Identity Server does not have full support for WS-Federation specification. Q1 - WSO2 Identity Server不完全支持WS-Federation规范。

Q2 - Identity Server has support for PassiveSTS and we are in process of writing an article on that. Q2 - Identity Server支持PassiveSTS,我们正在撰写一篇文章。 That will be available by next week. 这将在下周提供。 Will post this link here once its available. 一旦可用,将在此处发布此链接。

Q3 - Identity Server has the Claim Management feature. Q3 - Identity Server具有“声明管理”功能。 Where you can add your own claim dialect. 您可以在哪里添加自己的声称方言。

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