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[英]javascript regex replace html

see - > i have the following text in a variable 看到->我在变量中有以下文本

var s = 

    <style type="text/css" >     
    <script src="2.js"></script>
    <script src="1.js"></script>
  <body >


Now i want to append some data immediately after closing of <style > tag's > . 现在我想在<style >标签的>关闭后立即添加一些数据。

Ex : 例如:

var mydata = "/n h1{a:b}/n";

So i want 所以我要

<style>/n h1{a:b}/n

it is very easy if there is no other attribute in style tag,but sometime there may be some other attributes like type , id 如果style标签中没有其他属性,这很容易,但是有时可能会有其他一些属性,例如typeid

ex : 例如:

<style type="text/css" id="default_css_scope">

so that i cant use like this s.replace("<style>","<style>".mydata); 这样我就不能这样使用this s.replace("<style>","<style>".mydata);

How can i do this with Regular Expression ? 我该如何使用正则表达式呢?

maybe you should try this. 也许您应该尝试一下。 i think it will solve your problem. 我认为它将解决您的问题。

 str= str.replace("</style>",mydata+"</style>");

Caveat: I do not recommend using regular expressions to work extensively with HTML. 警告:我建议使用正则表达式来广泛使用HTML。

But you might get away with it in this specific case: 但是在这种特定情况下,您可能会忽略它:

str = str.replace(/<style[^>]*>/, function(m) {
    return m + mydata;

Live example 现场例子

Kindly refer this. 请参考这个。 A Brilliant post from sometime ago on the use of Regex with HTML. 某段时间的一篇精彩文章,内容涉及正则表达式与HTML的结合使用。

Two of the most diverse technologies used together. 两种最多样化的技术一起使用。

[See here] RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags [查看此处] RegEx匹配除XHTML自包含标签之外的其他打开标签

Something like this 像这样

var start = html.indexOf("<script", 0); //find the index of the first script
start = html.indexOf(">", start); //Starting for that script tag, find the next >

var output = [html.slice(0, start), myData, html.slice(start)].join(''); //Add string to at that position.

Thanks to jAndy for his code snippit 感谢jAndy的代码片段

Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

您可能需要研究HTML Agility Pack (免费库):

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