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[英]forming correct regular expression in dynamic string

I have a FileInputStream who reads a file which somewhere contains a string subset looking like: 我有一个FileInputStream,它读取一个文件,该文件的某处包含一个字符串子集,如下所示:


I would like to identify the Customer(someContent) part of the string and switch the someContent inside the parenthesis for something else. 我想识别字符串的Customer(someContent)部分,并将圆括号内的someContent切换为其他内容。

someContent will be a dynamic parameter and will contain a string of maybe 5-10 chars. someContent将是一个动态参数,将包含5-10个字符的字符串。

I have used regEx before, like once or twice, but I feel that in a context such as this where I don't know what value will be inside the parenthesis I'm at a loss of how I should express it... 我以前曾经使用过regEx,大概是一两次,但是我觉得在这样的背景下,我不知道括号内的值是什么,我不知道该如何表达...

In summary I want to have a string returned to me which has my someContent value inside the Customer-parenthesis. 总而言之,我想返回一个字符串,该字符串在Customer-括号内具有我的someContent值。

Does anyone have any bright ideas of how to get this done? 有人对如何完成这项工作有任何聪明的主意吗?

Try this one (double the escaping backslashes for the use in java!) 试试这个(将转义的反斜杠加倍,以便在Java中使用!)


And replace with your content. 并替换为您的内容。

See it here at Regexr 在Regexr上查看

(?<=Customer\\() is look behind assertion. It checks at every position if there is a "Customer(" on the left, if yes it matches on the right all characters that are not a ")" with the [^\\)]* , this is then the part that will be replaced. (?<=Customer\\()在断言后面。它检查每个位置的左侧是否有“ Customer(”,如果是,则在右侧将所有非“)”字符与[^\\)]*匹配[^\\)]* ,这就是将要替换的部分。

Some working java code 一些有效的Java代码

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?<=Customer\\()[^\\)]*");
String original = "Customer(someContent)";
String Replacement = "NewContent";

Matcher m = p.matcher(original);
String result = m.replaceAll(Replacement);


This will print 这将打印

Customer(NewContent) 客户(新内容)

Untested, but something like the following should work: 未经测试,但类似以下内容的方法应该起作用:

Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\s+Customer\\(\\s*(\\w+)\\s*\\)\\s*");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input);



This of course won't work with all possible cases: 当然,这不适用于所有可能的情况:

// legal variable names

Using groups works and non-greedy works: 使用小组作品和非贪婪作品:

String s = 
    "OperatorSpecific(XXX)\n    {\n" +
    "       Customer(someContent)\n" +
    "       SaveImage()       {";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("Customer\\((.*?)\\)");
Matcher matcher = p.matcher(s);
if (matcher.find()) {

will print 将打印


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