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意图与 setType("message/rfc822") 2.3.3 之前的 Android API 级别

[英]Intent with setType("message/rfc822") for Android API Level before 2.3.3

I have a problem with setting type "message/rfc822" for intent to send e-mail with file attachment on Android emulator .我在设置类型“message/rfc822”时遇到问题,以便在Android 模拟器上发送带有文件附件的电子邮件。 I have to use setType("message/rfc822") because the file doesn't have standard MIME-type (SQLite database) and I am trying to avoid a lot of applications in the select list for user's choice.我必须使用 setType("message/rfc822") 因为该文件没有标准的 MIME 类型(SQLite 数据库),我试图避免选择列表中的大量应用程序供用户选择。 For all API Levels before 2.3.3 I have an error:对于 2.3.3 之前的所有 API 级别,我有一个错误:

Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{my.cashwatcher/my.cashwatcher.SendEmailActivity}: 
No Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.intent.action.SEND typ=message/rfc822 
(has extras) }

In the case of API Level, 2.3.3 code works fine and error doesn't appear.在 API 级别的情况下,2.3.3 代码工作正常并且不会出现错误。 Is it a problem with the Android emulator or old APIs!?是安卓模拟器还是旧API的问题!?


Intent sendIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);                         
sendIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL , new String[]{appPrefs.getEmail("email")});                   
sendIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.fromFile(new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), DATABASE_PATH)));
sendIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "body_of_email"); 
sendIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "APPLICATION_NAME");
startActivityForResult(sendIntent, EMAIL_SEND_RESULT);

First, "to avoid a lot of applications in select list for user's choice", use ACTION_SENDTO and a mailto: Uri .首先,“为了避免用户选择的选择列表中有很多应用程序”,使用ACTION_SENDTO和一个mailto: Uri

Second, what you are experiencing is not "a problem of Android emulator" nor "old APIs".其次,您遇到的不是“Android 模拟器问题”或“旧 API”。 You need 1+ applications that are capable of handling the ACTION_SEND Intent and a MIME type of message/rfc822 .您需要 1+ 个能够处理ACTION_SEND Intent和 MIME 类型的message/rfc822 There is no guarantee that any given device will support that combination, let alone any given emulator.不能保证任何给定的设备都支持该组合,更不用说任何给定的模拟器了。 Your code needs to handle that, just as if you use ACTION_GOBBLEDYGOOK or a MIME type of thisis/sonotreal or whatever.您的代码需要处理这个问题,就像您使用ACTION_GOBBLEDYGOOKthisis/sonotreal或其他类型的 MIME 类型thisis/sonotreal

I have made an application that uses URI example as you desired:我制作了一个应用程序,根据需要使用 URI 示例:

    intent=new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
    intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, to);
    intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "hello");
    intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "hi");
    chooser=intent.createChooser(intent, "send mail");

This is the solution.这就是解决方案。 Use the below code, works perfectly...Got the solution after research.... :)使用下面的代码,完美运行......研究后得到了解决方案...... :)

Intent testIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
Uri data = Uri.parse("mailto:?subject=" + "blah blah subject" + "&body=" + 
"blah blah body" + "&to=" + "sendme@me.com");  

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