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NetBeans xdebug调试在Drupal 7上失败

[英]Netbeans xdebug debugging fails on Drupal 7

I have debugging set up for PHP, and it works exceptionally well on my Drupal 6 sites but when I try to debug my only Drupal 7 site, program execution doesn't stop at the break points. 我已经为PHP进行了调试设置,并且在我的Drupal 6站点上运行得非常好,但是当我尝试调试我唯一的Drupal 7站点时,程序的执行不会在断点处停止。 I've set the url to myexample.com, instead of myexample.com/index. 我已将网址设置为myexample.com,而不是myexample.com/index。 I have a positive netbeans-xdebug connection showing at the bottom of the screen and the breakpoints show in the debugger window. 屏幕底部显示了一个积极的netbeans-xdebug连接,调试器窗口中显示了断点。

Has anyone else run into this problem? 还有其他人遇到这个问题吗?

我能够通过全新安装的Drupal 7来清理该文件夹。由于Netbeans项目无法删除并恢复文件夹,但是使用最新的Drupal 7代码构建了一个新站点,然后将所有模块复制了过来,诀窍。

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