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[英]trying to understand javascript objects

I've written this piece of code to try help me understand how objects work in js a bit more. 我编写了这段代码来尝试帮助我更多地了解对象在js中的工作方式。

function person(personName){
  var thiz = this;
  var nameOfMe = (typeof(personName) === 'undefined')? 'default':personName;
  var faveFood = 'stuff';

  thiz.speakName =function(){
    alert('I am '+ thiz.nameOfMe);

  thiz.gotFoodAlert = function(){
    alert('Yummy! I haz ' + thiz.faveFood )

var someGuy = new person('joe');
someGuy.faveFood = 'cheesecake';

var elseGuy = new person();
elseGuy.nameOfMe = 'bob';

I'm trying to simulate a classical inheritance model to build a class then instantiate a person. 我正在尝试模拟经典继承模型来构建类,然后实例化一个人。 Setting it separately in elseGuy.speakName() alerts 'bob' ok. 在elseGuy.speakName()中单独设置它会提醒'bob'正常。

What I don't understand is why doesnt the someGuy.speakName() alert 'joe' when I instantiate? 我不明白的是,为什么我实例化时someGuy.speakName()不会警告“ joe”?

update: on further reflection and taking notes from people commented, I should just give up trying to simulate a classical inheritance model. 更新:在进一步思考并记下人们的评论时,我应该放弃尝试模拟经典继承模型的尝试。

Because nameOfMe is not a property of this in the first example. 因为nameOfMe不是一个属性this在第一个例子。 Try the following instead: 请尝试以下操作:

function person(personName) {
  var nameOfMe = (typeof personName === 'undefined')? 'default':personName;
  var faveFood = 'stuff';

  this.speakName = function () {
    alert('I am ' + nameOfMe);

  this.gotFoodAlert = function () {
    alert('Yummy! I haz ' + faveFood )

Even better: 更好的是:

function Person(personName) {
  this.nameOfMe = personName ? 'default' : personName;
  this.faveFood = 'stuff';

Person.prototype.speakName = function () {

Person.prototype.gotFoodAlert = function () {
    alert('Yummy! I haz ' + this.faveFood);

You have to set nameOfMe as a property of thiz : 您必须将nameOfMe设置为thiz的属性:

thiz.nameOfMe = (typeof(personName) === 'undefined')? 'default':personName;

Also, unless you absolutely have to, why don't you use the normal this instead of thiz ? 另外,除非绝对必要,否则为什么不使用常规this代替thiz

  1. thiz = this aliasing is unnecessary here. thiz = this此处不需要混叠。 You only need it for "private" properties by additional closures. 您仅需要通过其他闭包将其用于“私有”属性。
  2. thiz.nameOfMe is causing an additional closure here, needlessly. thiz.nameOfMe不必要地导致此处的其他关闭。
  3. The value of thiz.nameOfMe is not "joe" because the object referred to by thiz does not have a nameOfMe property yet. thiz.nameOfMe的值不是"joe"因为thiz引用的对象还没有nameOfMe属性。 The nameOfMe variable in constructor code is something else. 构造函数代码中的nameOfMe变量是其他内容。
  4. You are not using "the classical inheritance model". 没有使用“经典继承模型”。 There are no classes . 没有课程 You are creating a person instance, that is, an object that has person as its constructor, and the object that person.prototype currently refers to next in its prototype chain. 您正在创建一个person实例,即一个以person为构造函数的对象,并且person.prototype当前引用其原型链中的下一个对象。 Nothing more, nothing less. 仅此而已。
  5. It is good code style to have constructor identifiers start with a capital letter: Person . 构造函数标识符以大写字母Person开头是一种很好的代码样式。


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