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[英]Detect network drive mount wmi

How to detect network drive mount event using wmi ? 如何使用wmi检测网络驱动器安装事件? I'm mainly interested i something like Win32_VolumeChangeEvent just for network drives. 我主要对像Win32_VolumeChangeEvent之类的东西感兴趣,仅用于网络驱动器。

 _eventWatcher = new ManagementEventWatcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_VolumeChangeEvent");

 _eventWatcher.EventArrived += (o, args) => 
             case '2':
             case '3':


Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

You can use this query (I use Powershell for rapid test but you can easily transform to C#) 您可以使用此查询(我使用Powershell进行快速测试,但可以轻松转换为C#)

$query = "SELECT * FROM __instanceCreationEvent WITHIN 5 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_LogicalDisk' AND TargetInstance.DriveType=4"

Register-WMIEvent -Query $query -Action {$global:a=$Args[0];$global:b=$Args[1];write-host "done" }

Id              Name            State      HasMoreData     Location  Command
--              ----            -----      -----------     --------  -------
14              f2c5223d-3ae... NotStarted False                     $global:a=$Args[0];$gl...

PS C:\> net use
Les nouvelles connexions seront mémorisées.

La liste est vide.

PS C:\> net use o: \\jpbhpp2\c$
La commande s'est terminée correctement.

PS C:\> done

PS C:\> $a

Scope     : System.Management.ManagementScope
Query     : System.Management.EventQuery
Options   : System.Management.EventWatcherOptions
Site      :
Container :

PS C:\> $b

NewEvent                                                    Context
--------                                                    -------
System.Management.ManagementBaseObject                      {}

PS C:\> $b.NewEvent

__GENUS             : 2
__CLASS             : __InstanceCreationEvent
__SUPERCLASS        : __InstanceOperationEvent
__DYNASTY           : __SystemClass
__RELPATH           :
__DERIVATION        : {__InstanceOperationEvent, __Event, __IndicationRelated, __SystemClass}
__SERVER            : WM2008R2ENT
__NAMESPACE         : //./root/CIMV2
__PATH              :
TargetInstance      : System.Management.ManagementBaseObject
TIME_CREATED        : 129670237461553750

PS C:\> $b.NewEvent.TargetInstance

__GENUS                      : 2
__CLASS                      : Win32_LogicalDisk
__SUPERCLASS                 : CIM_LogicalDisk
__DYNASTY                    : CIM_ManagedSystemElement
__RELPATH                    : Win32_LogicalDisk.DeviceID="O:"
__PROPERTY_COUNT             : 40
__DERIVATION                 : {CIM_LogicalDisk, CIM_StorageExtent, CIM_LogicalDevice, CIM_LogicalElement...}
__SERVER                     : WM2008R2ENT
__NAMESPACE                  : root\CIMV2
__PATH                       : \\WM2008R2ENT\root\CIMV2:Win32_LogicalDisk.DeviceID="O:"
Access                       : 0
Availability                 :
BlockSize                    :
Caption                      : O:
Compressed                   : False
ConfigManagerErrorCode       :
ConfigManagerUserConfig      :
CreationClassName            : Win32_LogicalDisk
Description                  : Connexion réseau
DeviceID                     : O:
DriveType                    : 4
ErrorCleared                 :
ErrorDescription             :
ErrorMethodology             :
FileSystem                   : NTFS
FreeSpace                    : 36223737856
InstallDate                  :
LastErrorCode                :
MaximumComponentLength       : 255
MediaType                    : 0
Name                         : O:
NumberOfBlocks               :
PNPDeviceID                  :
PowerManagementCapabilities  :
PowerManagementSupported     :
ProviderName                 : \\jpbhpp2\c$
Purpose                      :
QuotasDisabled               : True
QuotasIncomplete             : False
QuotasRebuilding             : False
Size                         : 500000878592
Status                       :
StatusInfo                   :
SupportsDiskQuotas           : True
SupportsFileBasedCompression : True
SystemCreationClassName      : Win32_ComputerSystem
SystemName                   : WM2008R2ENT
VolumeDirty                  :
VolumeName                   :
VolumeSerialNumber           : 96B00597

For network share monitoring you can use RegistryKeyChangeEvent. 对于网络共享监视,可以使用RegistryKeyChangeEvent。

  1. RegistryKeyChangeEvent is located in root\\default. RegistryKeyChangeEvent位于root \\ default中。 (Not root\\CIMV2 which is used by .net as default) (不是.net默认使用的root \\ CIMV2)
  2. Mount point information is stored in registry in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Network. 挂载点信息存储在注册表中:HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Network。 But, RegistryKeyChangeEvent can't monitor HKEY_CURRENT_USER (bummer). 但是,RegistryKeyChangeEvent无法监视HKEY_CURRENT_USER(冒号)。 Thus, you'll have to access it by: HKEY_USERS\\S-1-5-18\\Network (where S-1-5-18 is your user's SID). 因此,您必须通过以下方式访问它:HKEY_USERS \\ S-1-5-18 \\ Network(其中S-1-5-18是用户的SID)。
  3. To determine your user's SID check the followind registry path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProfileList. 要确定用户的SID,请检查followind注册表路径:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ ProfileList。

The final code should be something like this: 最终代码应如下所示:

Dim m As New ManagementEventWatcher("root\default", "SELECT * FROM RegistryKeyChangeEvent WHERE Hive=""HKEY_USERS"" AND KeyPath=""<YOUR USER SID HERE>\\Network""") 
AddHandler m.EventArrived, AddressOf <YOUR HANDLER FUNCTION>

This code will call the handler function every time the user mounts or dismounts a network share. 每当用户安装或卸载网络共享时,此代码都会调用处理程序函数。

You can listen for any VolumeChangeEvent and then just check if the drive is a network drive: 您可以侦听任何VolumeChangeEvent,然后只需检查驱动器是否为网络驱动器:

DriveInfo info = new DriveInfo(driveLetter);
if(info.DriveType == DriveType.Network)

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