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[英]PHP monitoring with Nagios

I want to monitor and profile PHP based system. 我想监视和分析基于PHP的系统。 For profiling I will use xdebug. 为了进行分析,我将使用xdebug。 My question is whether I can use Nagios for monitoring ? 我的问题是我是否可以使用Nagios进行监视? Also, if the answer is yes, does anyone have experience with this configuration ? 另外,如果答案是肯定的,那么有人有使用此配置的经验吗?

My question is whether I can use Nagios for monitoring ? 我的问题是我是否可以使用Nagios进行监视?

Yes, Nagios is a software to monitor computer systems and network services they offer. 是的,Nagios是一款监视其提供的计算机系统和网络服务的软件。

Also, if the answer is yes, does anyone have experience with this configuration? 另外,如果答案是肯定的,那么有人有使用此配置的经验吗?

Yes there are persons who have experience with configuring Nagios or it's forks. 是的,有些人在配置Nagios或前叉方面有经验。 You can get professional technical support from these vendors. 您可以从这些供应商处获得专业的技术支持。

Additional many resources are availble for free in the world wide web. 万维网上免费提供其他许多资源。

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