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如何在drupal 7.x中获得用户角色?

[英]How to get user roles in drupal 7.x?

I want to get the user roles Just like getting node types using this 我想获得用户角色就像使用它获取节点类型一样


is there anyway to get user roles using a function like this? 无论如何使用这样的函数来获取用户角色?


If you want to check for a specific role of the current user (in this example we use "authenticated user"): 如果要检查当前用户的特定角色(在此示例中,我们使用“authenticated user”):

global $user;

if (in_array('authenticated user', $user->roles)){
    //do stuff

You can use user_load() to retreive the roles for a user. 您可以使用user_load()来检索用户的角色。

example: 例:

$user = user_load(1);
$roles = $user->roles;
// $roles contains all the users assigned roles

Alternative approach to checking roles would be to see if the user has a certain role example. 检查角色的替代方法是查看用户是否具有某个角色示例。

if(user_access('access content')){
   //Good to go....

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