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[英]Is there a way to pass current speed data along with latitude and longitude using the Android emulator and 'geo fix'?

I'm currently building an Android app that uses the Android emulator to pass GPS location data, specifically the latitude , longitude , and speed . 我目前正在构建一个Android应用,该应用使用Android模拟器传递GPS位置数据,尤其是latitudelongitudespeed I have used a real device and everything is okay, but I now need to do so using only an emulator. 我使用了真实的设备,一切正常,但是现在我只需要使用模拟器即可。

The getSpeed method of the Location class is used to get the speed information. Location类的getSpeed方法用于获取speed信息。 The speed is reported in meters/second. speed以米/秒为单位报告。 The Location class also provides latitude and longitude using getLatitude and getLongitude , respectively. Location类还分别使用getLatitudegetLongitude提供latitudelongitude

Using geo fix longitude latitude when "telnet"-ing into the emulator only allows you to pass latitude and longitude as parameters in the following format geo fix <longitude> <latitude> . 在通过“ telnet”进入仿真器时,仅使用geo fix longitude latitude可以将latitudelongitude作为参数传递为以下格式的geo fix <longitude> <latitude>

If I were to pass speed from the command line is there a way to do this? 如果我要从命令行传递速度,有没有办法做到这一点? I have already read into using the Ripple extention for the Chrome browser. 我已经读过将Ripple扩展用于Chrome浏览器的内容。

Thank you. 谢谢。

Regarding the units... Beware! 关于单位...当心! On my Android 2.2 phone, Location.getSpeed() returns the speed in KNOTS , not m/s as stated in the Android developer documentation :( 在我的Android 2.2手机上,Location.getSpeed()以KNOTS返回速度,而不是Android开发人员文档中所述的m / s:

There are a couple of other posts on the Net about this. 网络上还有其他一些与此相关的帖子。

In my Android app, I have a class to record NMEA data to a file. 在我的Android应用中,我有一个用于将NMEA数据记录到文件中的类。

package log.nmea;

import android.location.GpsStatus;
import android.location.LocationManager;
import android.os.Environment;
import android.util.Log;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * NMEA logging... just write NMEA stuff to file on SD card
 * @author Frank van der Hulst
public class NmeaLog {

  private static BufferedWriter logWriter = null;
  private static FileWriter fstream = null;
  private static File logFile;
  private static LocationManager locationManager = null;
  // Default pattern is to log any message starting with $GP
  private static final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^$GP\\w+,");
  private static final String LOGNAME = "NmeaLog";
  private static GpsStatus.NmeaListener nmeaListener = new GpsStatus.NmeaListener() {
    public void onNmeaReceived(long timestamp, String nmea) {
      Log.d(LOGNAME, "onNmeaReceived(" + nmea + ")");
      if (logWriter == null)
      if (!pattern.matcher(nmea).matches())
      Log.d(LOGNAME, "onNmeaReceived appending");
      try {
        logWriter.append(timestamp + "," + nmea);
      } catch (IOException ex) {
        Log.e(LOGNAME, ex.getMessage());

   * Initialise NMEA log file & open for writing
   * @param filepath
   * @param append
   * @param lm
  public static void open(String filepath, boolean append, LocationManager lm) {
    if (logWriter != null)
      return;          // Already open

    // Check SD card is available
    String SDCardStatus = Environment.getExternalStorageState();
    if (!SDCardStatus.equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED)) {
      Log.e(LOGNAME, "SD card error: " + SDCardStatus);
    // SD card is OK... try to create/open file
    logFile = new File(filepath);
    if (logFile == null || logFile.isDirectory()) {
      Log.e(LOGNAME, filepath + " cannot be opened");

    locationManager = lm;
    if (!locationManager.addNmeaListener(nmeaListener)) {
      Log.e(LOGNAME, "Failed to add NMEA listener");
    Log.d(LOGNAME, "opening " + filepath);
    try {
      fstream = new FileWriter(logFile, append);
      logWriter = new BufferedWriter(fstream, 1024);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      Log.e(LOGNAME, "Open failed: " + ex.getMessage());
    Log.d(LOGNAME, "NMEA listener added successfully");

   * Close log file. The file can be reopened, so don't null locationManager
  public static void close() {
    Log.d(LOGNAME, "close()");
    try {
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      Log.e(LOGNAME, "Close error: " + ex.getMessage());
    logWriter = null;

Below is a regular Java class which plays these files to the emulator. 下面是一个常规Java类,它将这些文件播放到模拟器。 Very useful when debugging GPS apps. 在调试GPS应用程序时非常有用。

  package sendgps;

  import java.io.BufferedReader;
  import java.io.IOException;
  import java.io.InputStreamReader;
  import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
  import java.net.Socket;
  import java.net.UnknownHostException;
  import java.util.Date;
  import util.Log;
  import util.OSSpecific;
  import util.Util;

   * @author Frank van der Hulst
  public class SendGPS {

      private static Socket socket;
      private static OutputStreamWriter w;
      private static BufferedReader r;
      private static final String NMEA_dir = "/home/frank/NetBeansProjects/SendGPS/";

      private static void write(String s) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  //        System.out.println("writing '" + s + "'");
          String result = r.readLine();
          if (!result.equals("OK")) {
              System.out.println(s + " -> " + result);

      private static void read() throws IOException {
          while (r.ready()) {
              System.out.print((char) r.read());


    @SuppressWarnings({"SleepWhileInLoop", "UseOfSystemOutOrSystemErr", "deprecation"})
      public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException, IOException, InterruptedException {
          socket = new Socket("localhost", 5554);
          final String filename = NMEA_dir + "nmea.log";
          r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
          w = new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream());
          read();          // Remove initial prompt

          String[] lines = Util.getFileContents(filename);
          long prevTimestamp = 0;
          for (int line_num = 0; line_num < lines.length; line_num++) {
              String[] parts = lines[line_num].split(",", 2); // Separate timestamp from NMEA string
              if (parts[1].isEmpty()) {
              long timestamp = Long.parseLong(parts[0]);
  //            System.out.println(timestamp + ", "+ prevTimestamp);
              if (timestamp != prevTimestamp) {
                  if (prevTimestamp != 0) {
                      int interval = (int) (timestamp - prevTimestamp);
   //                   interval /= 10;
  //                    System.out.print("Sleep: " + interval);
                      if (interval > 50) {
                          Thread.sleep(interval - 50);
                  prevTimestamp = timestamp;
              if (parts[1].startsWith("$GPGGA") || parts[1].startsWith("$GPRMC")) {
                  // Replace hhmmss.ss timestamp at field 1 with current time
                  Date now = new Date();
                  String[] data = parts[1].split(",", 3);
                  parts[1] = data[0] + "," + now.getHours() + "" + now.getMinutes() + "" + now.getSeconds() + "," + data[2];
              write("geo nmea " + parts[1]);

You have to use the geo nmea command via telnet: 您必须通过telnet使用geo nmea命令:

geo nmea $GPRMC,081836,A,3751.65,S,14507.36,E,000.0,360.0,130998,011.3,E*62

The definition of the format is here . 格式的定义在这里 In this example, 000.0 is the ground speed in knots. 在此示例中,000.0是以节为单位的地面速度。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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