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[英]What I'm doing wrong filling this vector of pair?

If I do: 如果我做:

vector<string> vec_jets;

double values[] = {
    transEnergy(map_jets, "jet1"),
    transEnergy(map_jets, "jet2"),
    transEnergy(map_jets, "jet3"),
    transEnergy(map_jets, "jet4"),
    transEnergy(map_jets, "jet5"),
    transEnergy(map_jets, "jet6"),
    transEnergy(map_jets, "jet7") };

for( int j = 1; j <= Njets; j++){
  oss << "jet" << j;
  vec_jets.push_back( oss.str() );

vector<pair<string,double> > jets_pt( vec_jets.size() );

// for( int k = 0; k < Njets; k++ ){ 
  // if( jet_preselection(map_jets,map_leps,vec_jets[k],jets_emfr[k]) )


//    }  

I have the output I want, which is, for example 我有我想要的输出,例如

jet1 32.4717

But, if I uncomment the for loop and the if condition, it seems that the vector is not filled anymore, if I ask to cout it, I get only 0 always. 但是,如果我取消对for循环和if条件的注释,则似乎不再填充矢量,如果我要求对其进行提示,则总是只能得到0

The function in the if statement is just a bool if语句中的函数只是一个布尔值

bool jet_preselection(
    map<string, TLorentzVector> map_jets,
    map<string, TLorentzVector> map_leps,
    string vec_jets,
    double jet_emfr )

        return ( map_jets[vec_jets].E()*sin(map_jets[vec_jets].Theta()) > 15 
            && jet_emfr < 0.9
            && fabs(map_jets[vec_jets].PseudoRapidity()) > 2.5
            && ( map_jets[vec_jets].DeltaR(map_leps["lep1"]) > 0.4
                && map_jets[vec_jets].DeltaR(map_leps["lep2"]) > 0.4
                && map_jets[vec_jets].DeltaR(map_leps["lep3"]) > 0.4 );

There are a lot of complex interdependancies in your code that make it difficult to diagnose the problem. 您的代码中有许多复杂的相互依赖关系,因此很难诊断问题。 But I can tell you that in: 但是我可以这样告诉你:

bool jet_preselection(map<string, TLorentzVector> map_jets, map<string, TLorentzVector> map_leps, string vec_jets, double jet_emfr)

...you are passing map_jets and map_leps by value rahter than by-reference (preferred) or by-pointer, so that when you call this function a complete copy of those map s is constructed. ...您传递的map_jetsmap_leps 的值比按引用(首选)或按指针的值大,因此,当您调用此函数时,将构建这些map的完整副本。

You may consider changing how you pass these parameters. 您可以考虑更改传递这些参数的方式。 Perhaps passing copies of these maps would change the states of them in such a way so that jet_preselection would fail. 也许传递这些映射的副本会以某种方式更改它们的状态,从而使jet_preselection失败。

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