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[英]How to bind after unbind in jQuery?

I need help with binding back after I unbind an element. 在取消绑定元素后,我需要有关绑定的帮助。 Basically, I have three anchor elements, and I want to achieve this: 基本上,我有三个锚元素,我想实现这个目标:

When one of them is clicked, the other two can't be clicked. 单击其中一个时,无法单击其他两个。 Then when the user clicks the close button, I want to bind back the click event for all three links. 然后,当用户单击关闭按钮时,我想绑定所有三个链接的click事件。

To unbind is not a problem, but the binding back is not working. 取消绑定不是问题,但绑定后退不起作用。 I didn't post any code because I think that the solution provided will work in general, not just in my case. 我没有发布任何代码,因为我认为提供的解决方案一般都有效,而不仅仅是在我的情况下。

Is there maybe any other way to achieve what I want, but not with the use of bind/unbind or on/off? 有没有其他方法可以实现我想要的,但不是使用bind / unbind或on / off?

Edit: 编辑:

Here is how i have done it.The animated div is called miniContainer.This is the sample for one anchor, but it is the same thing for all three. 这就是我如何做到的。动画div被称为miniContainer。这是一个锚的样本,但对于这三个锚都是一样的。

       //First Link         
       return false;
   miniContainer.stop().animate({ height:360 },{duration:500,easing: 'easeOutBack'});

//Close Mini Container
    miniContainer.animate({marginTop: 10, height:1},{duration:600,easing: 'easeInBack'});

Don't bind and unbind to do this. 不要bindunbind

Choose a common ancestor, and use jQuery's selector based event delegation. 选择一个共同的祖先,并使用基于jQuery的基于选择器的事件委托。

var clickables = $('.clickable');

$('#some_ancestor').delegate( '.clickable', 'click', function() {
    // to disable the others
    clickables.not( this ).removeClass('clickable');

Then to reenable them all, just add the class back in. 然后重新启用它们,只需将类添加回来。

clickables.addClass( 'clickable' );

If you're using jQuery 1.7 or later, then use .on() instead since it has event delegation built in. 如果您使用的是jQuery 1.7或更高版本,那么请使用.on()因为它内置了事件委托。

$('#some_ancestor').on( 'click', '.clickable', function() {
    // to disable the others
    clickables.not( this ).removeClass('clickable');

Here's one of the solutions from the comments below. 以下是以下评论中的解决方案之一。

demo: http://jsfiddle.net/c9Ydy/3/ 演示: http//jsfiddle.net/c9Ydy/3/

<ul id="container"> 
    <li id="link1" class="box clickable">
        <a href="#">LINK ONE</a>
    <li id="link2" class="box clickable">
        <a href="#">LINK TWO</a>
    <li id="link3" class="box clickable">
        <a href="#">LINK THREE</a>

<div id="content_display">
    <p id="link1_content">THIS IS THE CONTENT FOR THE FIRST LINK.</p>
    <p id="link2_content">THIS ONE IS FOR THE SECOND LINK</p>
    <p id="link3_content">AND THIS IS THE THIRD LINK</p>

js JS

var clickables = $('.clickable'),
    display = $('#content_display'),

    $content, // remember the one that was clicked
    display_animation_enabled = false;

$('#container').delegate( '.clickable', 'click', function() {

    display_animation_enabled = true;

    if( $content ) { $content.hide(); }

    $content = $('#' + this.id + '_content').show();
display.find('button').click(function() {
    display_animation_enabled = false;
    clickables.addClass( 'clickable' );
    if( $content ) { $content.hide(); }
function cycle() {
    if( display_animation_enabled ) {
               .animate({width:200,height:200}, cycle);

css CSS

div.box {
    width: 50px;
    height: 50px;
    background: yellow;
    margin: 10px;

div.clickable {
    background: orange;

#content_display {
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
    background: yellow;
#content_display > p {
    margin: 10px;
    color: blue;

Doesn't seem like you would need to unbind/re-bind to achieve the desired result. 似乎您不需要解除绑定/重新绑定以获得所需的结果。 Just use a flag. 只需使用一面旗帜。 ie

//This is a variable that you will use to check whether any of the anchors have been
//clicked. If this flag is set to true, then the click handler below will not 
//perform any action when the other anchors are clicked. When this flag is set to false
//the click handler will take the desired action. From your description it sounds like
//the action might be opening a window of some sort...  
var buttonClicked = false;

//Bind a click handler to each anchor

     //check to see if one of the anchors has already been clicked. If none have been
     //clicked take execute the code inside the if statement.

          //set the flag to true, indicating that one of the anchors has been clicked.
          buttonClicked = true;

          //Here you would open your window or popup...
          //i.e. popup.open();

           //logic for second anchor..

//Bind a click handler to the close button you mentioned

     //Close the window or popup here...
     //i.e. popup.close();

     //set the flag to false, which will allow all of the anchors to be clicked.
     buttonClicked = false;

If your close button is generated dynamically you will need to use live, delegate, or on, rather than the shorthand click function... 如果您的关闭按钮是动态生成的,则需要使用live,delegate或on,而不是速记点击功能......

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