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[英]How do I create a “link” to move from one Activity to another?

I have a three-page/Activity setup/configuration piece to my app. 我的应用程序有一个三页/活动设置/配置文件。

I want to have two "links" at the bottom of the first Activity the user can utilize to navigate to one of the other Activities that appear like hyperlinks. 我希望在第一个Activity的底部有两个“链接”,用户可以使用它来导航到其他活动,这些活动看起来像超链接。 Is this considered bad form? 这被认为是不好的形式吗? If not, how to do it? 如果没有,该怎么办?

It's probably bad form, but design is an art and it depends on what you're going for. 这可能是糟糕的形式,但设计是一门艺术,它取决于你的目标。 Not knowing anything, I'd recommend a standard button for this. 什么都不知道,我建议使用标准按钮。

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