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使用 Active Record 将字符串保存到 PostgreSQL 时如何保持前导零

[英]How to keep leading zeros when saving string to PostgreSQL using Active Record

Why does Rails strip leading zeros when trying to save a numeric value in Active Record?尝试在 Active Record 中保存数值时,为什么 Rails 会去掉前导零?

For instance:例如:

   self.dps_billing_id = "0000060010123363"

actually saves 60010123363 .实际上节省了60010123363

The column is just a standard string field in a PostgreSQL database:该列只是 PostgreSQL 数据库中的标准字符串字段:

t.string   "dps_billing_id"

I need the leading zeros to be stored because my credit-card gateway requires them, but I also cannot simply append a few zeros to the result because the amount can change.我需要存储前导零,因为我的信用卡网关需要它们,但我也不能简单地在结果中附加几个零,因为数量可能会改变。

How do I stop Rails trimming the zeros?如何停止 Rails 修整零?

It may be because your dps_billing_id is of type integer, not string.这可能是因为您的dps_billing_id是整数类型,而不是字符串类型。

In my Rails console:在我的 Rails 控制台中:

u = User.first 
u.login_count = '0008'   # but login_count is is defined as type integer
ap u  # :login_count => 8

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